The Salvage of the Kaine/movement
in space distances are in metres. One tabletop inch (2yds) is 1.8 metres so Pace 6" is 10 metres.
Walking and Jumping
Moving at your pace along a solid surface or between closely placed (less than 3 metres apart) handholds requires no roll. Jumping from one handhold to another requires an Athletics roll. If the distance to the next handhold is greater than the character’s Pace, they make the roll at -2, if it is more than twice their Pace it is at -4 etc. A success means they arrived safely, a failure indicates they missed their handhold, and they are now Floating.
Flying requires suit jets and allows movement up to twice Pace with a simple Piloting roll, up to three times Pace at -2 to the roll. Failing the Pilot roll will give you the status Floating. In the case of a critical failure you have picked up a spin and are also Distracted.
If you are not in reach of a handhold in a weightless environment your status is Floating. While Floating you are at -2 to use any trait linked to Agility.
If you have suit jets you can remove the status Floating by making a Pilot roll as a move action. This roll does not suffer the -2 penalty.
If a character would be knocked Prone they must make an immediate Athletics roll. On a failure they lose their handhold and start Floating.