- Rules - Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE)
- Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), Fanatics (villains henchmen might take the damage for the villain), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls. Energy Shields don’t count as armor worn, nor does any AP provided by an occult power), Wealth (as rules in SWAE 145 but updated below), Wound Cap (the maximum number of Wounds a character can suffer is 4 from one hit)
- Science Fiction Companion (SFC) for additional rules for Cyberware (pg. 29-31), Starship (pg. 40-50) and Vehicles (pg. 51-57). Also using Rifts: Team Tomorrow Player’s Guide (SWR) for additional cybernetics and rules and the Super Power Companion (SPC) for power creation. Note that vehicles have changed with the adventure edition rule update, see Vehicles below.
- Leadership edges in a High Tech setting the range with Command is extended to those who you can see and who can hear you, via a vox caster, etc. (not just 5”). With Command Presence they only need to hear your orders (via a vox caster, etc.) to gain the bonuses. Without advanced communication the range is as per normal (5” or 10” with Presence).