Index.php/Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/players MarkelBronik
Markel Bronik
- STR: 13 (Wt. Allowed 45lbs, Max Press 140lbs, Bend Bars/Lift Gates 4%)
- DEX: 18 (Reaction Adj +3, Missile Attack Adj +3, Defense Adjustment -4)
- CON: 15 (Hit Point Adj +1, System Shock 90%, Resurrection Survival 94%)
- INT: 10 (# of Languags 2)
- WIS: 14
- CHA: 10 (Max # of Hencemen 4)
Secondary Stats
- Hit Points: 13 (Hit Points: 2d10 11, [2d10=7, 4])
- Armor Class: 7 or 3
- Saving Throws - Paralyzation, Poison or Death Magic 14, Rods, Staff or Wandsm 16, Petrification or Polymorph 15, Death Magic 17, Spells 17
- THAC0: 19
Class Abilities
- Warrior: Weapon Attacks per round (melee weapons 3/2 or 5/2 when duel weapon attack)
- Ranger: Hide in Shadows 25%, Move Silent 31%
- When wearing studded leather armor can wield two one-handed weapons in each hand without penalty.
- Tracking proficiency for free
- Enemy: gain +4 with attack rolls against TBD, but -4 reaction to interacting with them.
- Interacting with trained and untrained Animals. Can apporach and automatically befriend domasticated pr non-hostile animals. When dealing with wild animals or animals trained to attack the animal must make a saving throw agains rods (at -1) to resist influence.
- Weapon Proficiency: Composite Bow, Dagge, Longsword, Shortsword
- Non-Weapon Proficiency: Animal Lore (Int), Bowyer/Fletcher (Dex -1), Hunting (Wis -1), Mountaineering (N/A), Set Snars (Dex -1), Tracking (Wis)
Gear: Studded Leaher (AC 7; Wt. 25lbs), Composite Long bow (ROF 2/1; Wt. 3lbs), 5 flight arrows (Range 60/120, Damage 1d6/1d6) and 15 sheaf arrows (Range 40/80, Damage 1d8/1d8) with quiver (2lbs), Longsowrd (Damage 1d8/1d12; Wt. 4lbs), Short Sword (Damage 1d6/1d8; Wt. 3lb), Clothing (belt, soft boots, breeches, cloth claok, glovs, knife sheath), Backpack (Wt. 2lbs) carrying flint & steel, 50ft Silk rope (Wt. 8lbs)