Free From The Yokai Church Notes
Family Creation
Landmark: the Old Gods, carved into a mountainside, now weathered, hidden and defaced.
Reach -1, Grasp +1, Sleight +2
The church stems from the Imperial Faith everyone had to follow – a religion we’re now trying to redefine and reclaim in the Empire’s absence.
Rule: The Shining One is the Church’s divinely-annointed ruler.
Populace: people in every walk of life are God-fearing to the last.
Culture: the joy and wonder of life is celebrated in extravagant clothes and rites.
Landmark: an ancient monastery – toppled by the Empire. A place of learning and diverse beliefs from a time long before the church. The teachings and secrets it used to contain may now be hidden in the church’s vaults…
How did the Empire treat your House?
We were feted in Imperial Culture, the face of the Empire’s faithful and its shadow cast over every community (Favour -1, but gain an extra Surplus)
Which far-off country brought the Church to these lands?
It was the distant Empire that brought the church here. They preached with missionaries and paid labourers by the thousands to construct our churches as proof of the Empire’s wealth and power. By ancient custom, people sometimes still mingle blood to seal oaths or mark alliances – though these days cloth dyed red and used to tie people together is a convenient substitute.
Which House sheltered your people when the Empire persecuted them?
When the Church began attempting to protect the people during the rebellion this was not always taken well. Who then protected us from the worst of the retaliation? They gain influence on the church.
Which House has refused to allow your clergy to preach in their holdings?
They say why they don’t trust you, and you lose any Influence you have on each other.
Landmark: the Island Monasteries, home to many ascetic communes always seeking to refine the faith, and improve our rituals.
Comforters: we have a God-given duty to provide aid to those in need. When providing meaningful aid to those in peril, gain Influence on whoever caused their hurt. If you break the Arbiter’s laws while doing so, you don’t lose Favour.
City of Pilgrims: our centre of power is also a centre of pilgrimage, drawing believers from far and wide. If you start a season with a Favour of 0 or higher, gain Surplus: Coin or Surplus Prestige.