Free From the Yokai Tiana

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Reverend Tiana

Main Page Church Main Tiana Notes]

Loremaster of the Church


Might:   -1
Bravery: +0
Cunning: +1
Lore:    +2


Flesh Wounds: [ ] [ ] 
Heavy Wounds: [ ] [ ] 
Death:        [ ]


Sage Advice: When an ally Calls for Aid, you can always respond by offering advice and rolling +Lore. If you roll a 6 or less on your aid attempt, say what you learn from failure and gain Fleeting Advantage acting on it.

Remembered Oaths: When you demand someone honour promises they have made, DO NOT roll Find Common Ground. Instead, roll +Lore and, on a hit, the land will curse them until they honour their word.

Pick a curse:

  • All food they eat turns to ashes and blood.
  • Animals will avoid or attack them.
  • Their finery rots within hours of being donned.
  • They will be afflicted by pox and warts.

Death Move: There is a particular power in death. As you die, describe the powerful and lasting Ritual you work with your final breaths.


When you Prepare and Provision, you can tag a Surplus to learn a ritual from your House's traditions.



I don’t understand how ________ can do the things they do.

I want to teach ________ what’s truly important.

I don’t think ________ knows I know what they did.


Rogue: [X]