StarWars for 5ed

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These conversion notes don’t cover everything. I am try to keep things simple and straight forward. Many of the items and themes started with the Star Wars Saga system but then morphed into using 5th ed. Dungeons and Dragons as the ‘basic’ rules, with Saga ideas supported in this new system.


Character Class Notes: In the Star Wars game for 5th D&D characters are called Heroic Characters. This distinction comes into effect when creating minor NPC (minions) and creatures. There are five Heroic Character Classes for this game – Jedi, Leader, Scoundrel, Scout and Soldier. Your character level is your overall level (if multi-classing). You gain your proficiency bonus base on your overall level. You also gain a feat at first level and an additional feat every two overall levels after that (3, 5, etc.) and an Attribute boost starting and 4th level and every two levels after that (8, 12, etc.). With this attribute boost you can add +1 to two different attributes or +2 to on attribute up to your maximum. These bonuses are dependent on your total Character level (see below).

Your Heroic Class Level bonuses are the bonuses you can only gain at that Heroic Character class level (if you multi-class). Note you gain two core Talents at first level character class. If you multi-class into a class after first you gain only one class talent. After 1st level characters gain one additional talent every odd level of Heroic class they take (3, 5, etc.) and a Bonus Class Feat every even level of Heroic class they take (2, 4, etc.).

1 +2 Strating Feat Starting Talent(s)
2 +2 -- Bonus Feat
3 +2 Feat Talent
4 +2 Attribute Bonus Bonus Feat
5 +3 Feat Talent
6 +3 -- Bonus Feat
7 +3 Feat Talent
8 +3 Attribute Bonus Bonus Feat
9 +4 Feat Talent
10 +4 -- Bonus Feat
11 +4 Feat Talent
12 +4 Attribute Bonus Bonus Feat
13 +5 Feat Talent
14 +5 -- Bonus Feat
15 +5 Feat Talent
16 +5 Attribute Bonus Bonus Feat
17 +6 Feat Talent
18 +6 -- Bonus Feat
19 +6 Feat Talent
20 +6 Attribute Bonus Bonus Feat

Destiny Points: 5 + ½ your Heroic Level (round down). These points function similarity as Hero Points from the Optional Rules in the DMG (pg. 264). They can be used to affect any 1d20 roll, but you can only spend a Destiny Point in a round. Destiny Points add 1d4+1 to any 1d20 roll (attack roll, saving throw, etc.) and can also be used to activate certain Talents. They can be spent after you have roll the d20 but before the GM informs you if the result was a success or not. Unspent Destiny Points are lost when you raise a level (and gain this levels points). Certain Talents and Feats and grant you additional Destiny Points, high dice to add to your d20 and addition, non-dice usages.

Armor Class and Armor: In Star Wars few people wear armor. When not wearing Armor a Heroic Character has a base AC of 10 base +2 insight +its proficiency bonus + either its Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (whichever is better). When wearing armor a creature gains the Armor Class Rating (ACR) of the armor plus either of its’ Dexterity or Intelligence modifier.

Skills: All of the skills from the PHB are being used although some have been renamed and updated. PLEASE NOTE not using Tool or Vehicle proficiencies which have been replaced by new Skills. Feats: are not as powerful in this setting but you gain them far more often. See Feats. Talents: are more powerful than feats and act something like class traits and abilities from the PHB. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: for Star Wars these include – Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons (as normal from the PHB but new types, see Gear), Pistols, Rifles, Heavy Weapons, Advanced Melee Weapons. Exotic Weapons require a Weapons Proficiency feat for each to gain the proficiency bonus. Light, Medium and Heavy armor. Basic equipment from PHB (cost GP = credits at 1:1. Primitive armor provides no ACR vs. any weapon listed here. All other properties as listed there).

Bonuses and Advantages/Disadvantages: Along with standard Advantages and Disadvantages, there are also Bonuses that add directly to the target’s checks. Note that the same type of bonus can’ not stack but different types can. Types: Dark Side, Equipment, Force, Insight, Luck, Moral and Rage.

Granting Advantage: in order to grant action for a non-attack INT or WIS skill check, the individual wishing to ‘aid another’ must also be proficient with the skill.

Force Powers and Talents: Force Powers work something like Warlock spells casting and recovery. The character gains so much Force Energy and a maximum Power level. To use a Force power you must expend a point of Force Energy. You regain all expended Force Energy when you finish a short or long rest. See the Force, Jedi class, and Force Sensitive feat for more details.

Damage Threshold: whenever you take damage that meets or excess of your threshold you suffer the Reeling Condition. Your Damage Threshold is equal to 15 + your Proficiency Bonus + Strength or Constitution ability modifier (whichever is better). Size also has an effect. Large sized beings gain +2, Huge +5, Gargantuan +10 and Colossal +20. Vehicles can also suffer similar affects.

Additional Conditions – Reeling (see Condition in the PHB): you have suffered a wound that has caused a great deal of pain and now is effecting your ability to react.

  • You suffer Disadvantage to all Attacks, Skills and Ability checks.
  • If you suffer from a second Reeling affect (i.e. you are reeling and again take damage that exceeds your Damage Threshold), you are Stunned for one round. After this lost round, you lose the Stunned condition but you are still suffering from the Reeling condition as above.
  • In order to recover from Reeling, at the end of your round (after you have taken your actions) attempt a Constitution or Wisdom save (whichever is better) vs. a DC 10 or ½ the Damage you suffered (round down, whichever is greater, maximum DC 20). If you succeed with your roll, you are no longer suffering the condition. If you fail, you are still suffering from the condition.
  • You can instead spend your Action to recover from Reeling, gaining advantage on your check. You can still take the free check at the end of your round if this check failed but as normal and without advantage.

Slow Natural Healing: optional rule (DMG pg. 267). After a Long Rest you only recover ½ your Hit Dice (round up) back, not any HP (normally you recover all your Hit Points back after a long rest). You must use Hit Dice to recover each morning. Also, once per day, you also recovery one level of Exhaustion after a short rest (in additional to another one at the end of a Long Rest).

Second Wind: when a character falls below ½ their maximum hit points, they can call on some inner reserves that drives many heroes to recover some. As an Action you regain 1d of your best Hit Dice (if multi-classing) plus its Constitution modifier plus your Heroic level back in hit points, up to your maximum total HP’s. You regain an additional +1d of your best HD at your 5th Heroic level, and an additional +1d of your best HD every five additional Heroic levels after that. You must complete a long rest to regain the use of this ability and this does not cost you any of your Hit Dice for healing.

Firing into Melee Combat and Ranged attacks while prone: Attacker into melee with an ally and enemies are at a Disadvantage. You are not at disadvantage when firing firearms, etc. when prone.

Full Round Action and Free Actions: A full round action takes up the full round, including movement (Speed 0) and bonus action (you still have your reaction). A free action take none of these.

Mind-Effecting: many talents, feats and force powers are listed as mind-effecting. These abilities only affect living, sentient beings or creatures, not Droids, etc. Mind-effecting fear don’t work against sentient beings immune to fear.

Hardness: materials and vehicles have a Hardness rating. This is the amount of damage that is reduced from all attacks before applying resistances, Shields, etc. to items hit points.

Heroic Damage Bonus: all Heroic characters add ½ their Heroic level (round down) to all damage type totals that they deal (including unarmed, explosives, AOE, heavy weapons and force powers).

Dark Side Score and Falling to the Dark Side

In Star Wars, the Dark Side of the Force is an even present force of corruption for those individuals looking for quick and easy solutions and for those filled with anger or feat. Doing evil acts (murder, torture, blowing up a planet) add to a being’s Dark Side Score. The GM should determine the number of points a being might gain for evil acts. Minor transgressions like causing another being harm for no reason or your own joy might earn you one, while evil transgression while unjustified murder or torturing a being for pleasure might cause five or more, etc. Giving the order to blow up a planet set you to Consumed by Darkness automatically.

  • Tempted by Darkness: A character with at least 1 Dark Side point but less than ½ (round down) its Wisdom score is considered to be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force. This character feels a slight brush of the Dark Side of the Force and is often quicker to give into anger and fear. The character is further tempted by the Dark Side in the following way (a) whenever a character invokes Dark Fortune (see below), it gains a +1d4 bonus to the end result; (b) a character can spend a Destiny Point and activate any non-Light side Force Power as a Bonus Action instead of an Action. The character’s Dark Side Score increase by 1 each time they invoke either.
  • Tainted by Darkness: A character with a Dark Side Score greater than ½

(round down) its Wisdom score but less than its Wisdom score has been tainted by the Dark Side of the Force. A Tainted character is more tempted to do evil to solve its problems. This character suffers the additional temptations listed above and also they gain a +2 dark side bonus to their Force Attack and to the Force save DC total with any Force Power with the [dark side] descriptor. They suffer Disadvantage to their Force Attack with any Force Power with the [light side] descriptor or grant advantage with saves. It suffers disadvantage with Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks but an advantage with Charisma (Intimidate) checks.

  • Consumed by Darkness: A character with a Dark Side Score equal to its Wisdom Score has been consumed by Dark Side of the Force. Characters who have been consumed by the Dark Side of the Force can no long Call on the Dark Side of the Force (see below) nor do they gain the dark side bonus to Force Side attacks or saves checks with powers with the [dark side] descriptor and can no longer use any Force Power with the [light side] descriptor (if they have any such powers they are lost until the characters Dark Side Score drops below their Wisdom score).

Atoning: you may sacrifice Destiny Points as soon as you gain a new level, but not after. Each point you spend reduces your Dark Side score by a one-for-one bases. The GM may require a side quest to go with this. Those that are Consumed by Darkness almost never can throw off their darkness (but they are GM characters anyway so the GM will determine if and when it might be able to atone).