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There are many uses for the term Patternfall' in many lands. It has political meanings, military meanings, and social meanings. However they all relate to one Event.

Patternfall refers to the effect caused by the marring of the Primal Pattern of Amber by Prince Brand of Amber and the repair of the Pattern by King Oberon of Amber.

Other uses:

  • The term is also used to refer, in come contexts, to the period corresponding to the end of the Black Road War between Chaos and Amber.
  • 'Patternfall is often used to refer to the Battle of Patternfall fought on the edge of the Abyss by the forces of Chaos and Amber.
  • 'Patternfall is sometimes used to refer to the magical effect that occurred across shadow when the attempt to repair the pattern began. All users of High Order magics connected to the Pattern of Amber had a system wide disruption causing spell effects to fail, including all hung spells unraveling. While the disruption was brief it effected any Amber high order magics across shadow. Many constructs and pattern inscribed items failed momentarily. Some never recovered while some became greatly more powerful.