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Revision as of 19:35, 1 November 2020 by Sam I Am (talk | contribs) (Attributes)
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  • Human Hexblade L3
  • XP: 5,579/9,000 (+5%) (half share of total party XP)
  • Alignment Neutral
  • Retainer to Abeni played by Sam I Am
  • CoL XXX per month
  • No titles or holdings
  • Has only half a face


  • STR 16 (+2, open doors 4-in-6)
  • INT 8 (Basic literacy)
  • WIS 10
  • DEX 14 (+1 AC/Missile/Init)
  • CON 13 (+1 hp)
  • CHA 6 (-1 NPC reactions)

Briliaph starts with the Extra Hex Knack, and can use two hexes per day. He has 12 hp I've added the hexblade class to the class document: Classes 10.13.20.pdf?dl=0


  • Languages
    • Commmon (Literate)
    • +1
  • General Skills
    • Alchemy (skilled)
    • Animal Handling (large cats) (proficient)
    • Healing (skilled)
    • Survival Skilled in 2 subskills: Harvesting, Herbalist
    • Magical Engineering (proficient)
    • (please give a very short summary of what your skills do, if they have mechanical effects, if it's not too much effort. Elsewise, a page number is nice.)
  • Class Abilities
    • I cannot use armour but can use two one-handed melee weapons (axe and dagger) and a short-bow
    • Curse of the evil eye: I can place this upon a single humanoid target within 60’ twice per day. The target must save v spells. If they fail the save the target ’s next roll is made twice, taking the lower of the two results. The roll is the next one the target makes, regardless of what it is for. I may do this thrice per day at 9th, and four times per day at 13th. I can use this ability and move in a round but can take no other actions (such as casting a spell or attacking with a weapon)
    • I can steal the senses of a normal animal I can see within 60’ 3 times a day. The animal must save v spells. If it fails I am able to perceive the world through the animal’s senses but cannot otherwise control or influence the animal. If the animal moves out of range *after* this power is used I maintain the connection, up to 1 mile (1 mile per Cha mod). It takes one round to use this ability, and I cannot see or hear with my own senses while using this ability. It lasts for as long as I can maintain concentration – if unmolested I may do so for 13 turns (= Wis). If I exceed this time limit I must roll Wisdom or lower on 3d6 for every additional time period. Failure indicates I am trapped within the body of the animal and cannot be returned to my body save through powerful magics.
    • I may brew potions and craft fetishes. At 9th level I may scribe scrolls and at 11th level I may create magical items. While my spell list and method of casting spells is more divine in origin, my item crafting abilities are more in line with those of arcane practitioners.
  • Knacks
    • Cauldron witch: When I conduct spell research or craft magical items, my class level is considered to be two levels higher than it actually is. Also, an automatic failure occurs on a roll of a 1-10, not 1-15.
    • Skilled: I got three extra skills


  • AC
  • HP 12
  • Movement Rate
  • Initiative Modifier
  • Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats." THACO 17(+2)
    • Primary Melee Attack: Sword: STATS THAC0 18(+1)
Hand axe Hand axe	4	30	1d6-1	Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’)(List the attack throw with all magical, ability, etc., modifiers, like 5+ or whatever), (Damage.)
    • Secondary Melee Attack:Dagger 3 10 1d4-1 Melee, Missile (5’–10’ / 11’–20’ / 21’–30’)
    • Primary Ranged Attack: Short bow 25 30 1d6 Missile (5’–50’ / 51’–100’ / 101’–150’), Two-handed
  • Saves:
    • Death 13
    • Wands 11
    • Petrification & Paralysis 13
    • Blast & Breath 14
    • Spells 14



  • Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
    • Hand axe
    • Dagger
    • Short bow
    • Arrows
    • 30gp
    • Potion of ESP, potion of speed
    • scroll of protection from elementals, scroll with two spells.
    • leather armor +1. Give to hexblade henchman
  • On ship:
    • 6,512.09gp
    • 1k stake in company from outset


  • To Do:
    • Stat out Briliaph
    • Briliaph equipment + Enc
    • Any more?
    • To front page
    • CoL @ lvl 2?