The Incident at Absalom Station

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  • The crew took the shuttle Okimoro to the Absalom Station in order to meet Duravor Kreel, a Dwarven Starfinder contact, in hopes to gain membership into the Society.
  • The crew, as well as Duravor Kreel, was caught in a firefight between two notorious street gangs, the Downside Kings and the Level 21 Crew, upon arrival at Docking Bay 94, leaving several casualties, including Mr. Kreel dead.
  • The crew met with Chiskisk of the Starfinder Society within the Lorespire Complex and enlisted into their ranks. In return they were given an enlistment bonus, a team datapad, and the task to investigate the death of Duravor Kreel.
  • The crew's investigation has determined that Astral Extractions hired the Downside Kings to murder Duravor Kreel, to both send a message, and to stall any Starfinder interest in the Acreon and the Drift Rock.
  • While on break the crew was approached by the ambassador of Eox, Gevalarsk Nor. In an attempt to peacefully resolve the dispute over the Acreon and the Drift Rock, he has asked the crew to investigate and record their findings.
  • While on course to the Acreon the Voidhawks took fire from Eoxian Necroglider, narrowly avoiding destruction.
  • Upon attaching to the Acreon the ship was all but uninhabited. Strange aliens called Akata attacked the Voidhawks while aboard, and two goblins - Wing'utt and Sprigett were rescued.