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Real Name: Thomas Sheffield (Tom) (Thomas means ‘Twin’ and Sheffield, like Leeds, is a town in Yorkshire)

Appearance: 6’1”, Weight: 200 pounds; Blond Hair, Blue Eyes; looks like The Centurion


Strength (STR) 12
Stamina (STA) 4/14
Agility (AGL) 1
Dexterity (DEX) 1
Fighting (FGT) 6
Intelligence (INT) `
Awareness (AWE) 1
Presence (PRE) 0

POWERS [84pp]

Immunity 1 (aging) [1pp]
Leaping 9 (ft) [9pp]
Regeneration 9 [9pp]
Super Stamina: Enhanced Stamina 10, Immunity 12 (Cold and Heat Damage, Fatigue, Pressure), Impervious Toughness 12 [44pp]
Super Strength (Array 20 points) base- Enhanced Strength 8, plus Enhanced Strength 4, Limited to Lifting (Lifting Str 16, 1600 tons). [20pp]
alt. power (1) Bullet Toss: Bullet Toss 5. ranged attack (ballistic), Multiattack, Accurate 2, Precise, Quirk (Requires objects to throw); Enhanced Strength 2, Limited to Lifting (Lifting Str 14) [1pp]


All Out Attack
Improvised Weapons
Power Attack
Throwing Mastery 2
Ultimate Effort (Toughness checks)

SKILLS [14pp]

Acrobatics (AGI) n/a
Athletics (STR) (+12)
Close Combat (FTG) Unarmed 2 (+8)
Deception (PRE) (+0)
Expertise (INT) (Genetic Genealogy) 6 (+7)
Insight (AWE) 4 (+5)
Intimidation (PRE) 2 (+2)
Investigation (INT) 2 (+3)
Perception (AWE) 6 (+7)
Persuasion (PRE) (+0)
Ranged Combat (DEX) (Throwing) 6 (+7)
Sleight of Hand (DEX) n/a
Stealth (AGI) (+1)
Technology (INT) n/a
Treatment (INT) (+1)
Vehicles (DEX) n/a (+1)


Dodge 16 (+6)
Parry 16
Fortitude +14
Toughness +14
Will +6


Initiative +1
Unarmed +8 (Close +12)
Bullet Toss - Ranged +11 (Ranged +8, Multi-Attack)


Enemies: Centurion’s old ones
Reputation: Centurion?


Abilities 36; Skills 14; Advantages 6; Powers; 84; Defences 10 = 141



Professor Fathom had a plan, a plan to destroy the Freedom League from the inside. With the help of hired scientists and mystic tomes, he created a ‘Cloning Machine’; many failed clones later, he, he had believed, had created an exact clone of The Centurion! He would send the clone out, claiming to be Centurion returned to life.

However, two problems soon emerged. Firstly, the clone didn’t appear to have any superpowers at all; secondly, he wasn’t nearly as, well, docile as he hoped; the clone had quickly caught on to what type of man had created him, and he stubbornly refused to cooperate.

Furious, Professor Fathom would have just killed the clone, but The Factor Four had gone through a lot of resources in his creation, and an exactly physical duplicate of Centurion might still be useful at some point, so he decided to just put him into suspended animation instead.

And there he lay, mostly forgotten, until the day the Factor Four had finally gotten the Freedom League where they wanted them (they thought). However, in the massive fight that led to their capture, there was damage done to the electrical systems of Factor Four’s base, and to some of the laboratory equipment as well, leading to power surge in the system hibernation system, the lid of one containment module exploding, and the destruction of a number of bottles and beakers, showering that containment module with a mixture of multiple chemicals and reagents.

The clone woke again. And this time he did have superpowers. What happened next was rather violent; he soon became aware of what had happened to the Freedom League (that happens when your evil mastermind is broadcasting it on screens throughout the base). He wasn’t entirely certain if they were the good guys, but he knew the Factor Four were the bad guys, and he decided to do something about that.

In the ensuing fight, the element of surprise was as vital as the clone’s newly-found powers, and The Factor Four underestimated him for far too long. He mowed through the mooks with his fists, and with everything from brooms and mortars (all the better to grind up your herbs) to individual kidney beans and even toenail clippings, as fast as speeding bullets. In the end, though he didn’t personally defeat the Factor Four all by himself (he wasn’t that powerful), he did prove pivotal in the Freedom League freeing themselves from their restraints.

Afterwards, when all had been explained (seriously, I’m not The Centurion. And I’m sorry about your friend), the clone had gained some allies, possibly potential friends (if and when the Freedom League felt OK with his resemblance to their dear departed friend), and help in adjusting to the outside world, including a new identity, and training in skills to have a non hero career. Now, he’s in Emerald City, to begin his new life.

Now he works with Emerald City cold case detectives, to identify murder suspects and try to give John and Jane Does their names back

Hobbies and Interest

Magnet Fishing. Interest in the sciences when it comes to history, prehistory, and earlier, to the formation of the Earth. Genealogy.