Landsoftheblacksea:Main Page/players/fariya mithra camar

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A half-elf fighter-mage-cleric from the distant land of Jhon


Character Name Player Name Class Alignment AC Experience Hit Points
Fariya Mithra Camar Sage Genesis Fighter 1 / Mage 1 / Cleric 2 Lawful Good 10 (6 with Armor spell) 1500/1500/1500 8 (26 before division)


Age Height Weight Eye Colour Hair Colour
20 5'3" 1302 lbs Brown Black


Strength 10 Wt. Allowance: 40#; Max Press: 115#; Open Doors: 6; Bend Bars: 2%
Dexterity 8 +2 React. Adj; +2 Missile Att. Adj.; -3 Def. Adj.
Constitution 13 Sys. Shock: 85%; Res. Surv: 90%
Intelligence 18 #Lang: 7; Max Spell Lvl: 9th; Chance to Learn Spell: 85%; Mx Spells/Level: 18
Wisdom 16 Mag. Def. Adj: +2; Bonus Spells: 2 x 1st, 2 x 2nd; Spell Failure: 0%
Charisma 15 Mx. Hench: 7; Loy. Base: +3; Reac. Adj.: +3

Saving Throws

Paralyzation/Poison/Death Magic Rod, Staff or Wand Petrification or Plymorph Breath Weapon Spell
10 11 13 15 12

Weapon Proficiencies

Short sword
Jambiya (dagger)

Nonweapon Proficiencies

Ancient History
Artistic Ability (poetry)
Riding (land)



Note: Used some Language INT bonus slots for NWP's


Unencumbered 0-40
Light 41-58
Moderate 59-76
Heavy 77-96
Severe 97-110


Clothing 5 lbs
Scimitar 4 lbs'
Short sword (lost) -
Jambiya 1 lb
Short bow 2 lbs
Quiver with 60 sheaf arrows 2 lbs
Backpack 2 lbs
1 weeks rations 1 lb
Belt pouch 1 lb
Flint and steel *
Holy symbol *
Hourglass 1 lb
Hooded lantern (lost) -
Lamp oil x5 5 lbs
Map case 0.5 lbs
Perfume *
Rope, 50' silk 8 lbs
Small mirror *
Soap 1 lbs
Whetstone 1 lbs
Waterskin 1 lbs
Writing ink and pen 1 lb
Total 33 lbs

Mage Spells (Spell Book)

1st Level:

Name Range Duration AoE Components Casting Time Save Notes
Armor Touch Special 1 creature V, S, M 1 round None provides AC6; lasts until dispelled or recipient takes 8 + 2/lvl hp damage
Cantrip 10 ft. 1 hr/lvl Special V, S 1 None
Comprehend Languages Touch 5 rnds/lvl 1 speaking creature or written text V, S, M 1 round None
Identify 0 1 rnd/lvl 1 item/lvl V, S, M Special None 8 hrs pre-work + 8 hours recovery time, see PHB
Unseen Servant 0 1 hr + 1 turn/lvl 30 ft radius V, S, M 1 None lift up to 20#, pull up to 40#, take up to 6 hp damage from AoE spells, dispelled if sent outside radius
