Revision as of 05:25, 13 January 2021 by Raveled(talk | contribs)(Created page with "200px|thumb Daphne Hellas, aka Hook, the Whisper Daphne Hook was born at sea, and some say that her soul was delivered by a leviathan. She's always been fa...")
Daphne Hook was born at sea, and some say that her soul was delivered by a leviathan. She's always been fascinated by the spirits that swirl across the open water and scrabble at the charged metal hulls of their vessels. She quickly became an apprentice to the ship's occultist but was disappointed to realize that the best she could aspire to was to live aboard stinking ocean-bourne ships and fending off waves and shoals of unquiet spirits. She aspires to more -- to knowledge and power and respect. She settled in Doskvol because of the presence of the Academy and the Sparkwrights, seeking to learn what she can about the occult. She's not above cutting deals with powerful spirits or vampires to get where she needs to and that ambition brought her to the attention of Lord Scurlock. He's shepherded her interests and introduced her to William when the physiker needed a full-time occultist for his cult.