Freefall PL8

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Alternate Identity: Roxanne SPAULDING Group Affiliation: GEN13 First Appearance: GEN13 miniserie #1. Power Level: 8 (125pp)

Str: 11 (+0) Dex: 16 (+3) Con: 15 (+2) Int: 13 (+1) Wis: 10 (+0) Cha: 16 (+3 ) Total: 29

Base Attack Bonus: 5 Melee: +8 Ranged: +8 Total: 15pp

Base Defense Bonus: 7 Adjusted Defense Bonus: +11 Initiative: +3

Cost: 14pp

SAVES Damage: +2/+3 (evasion) Fort: +2 Ref: + 3 Will: +0


Gravity control+8 [extra: force field, extra: flight (extra: affect others +4), extra: grapple (from telekinesy power); flaw: concentration; cost: 36pp; source: mutation]

Total: 36pp

Feats: Attack finesse, attractive, dodge, Hero's luck, Instand stand, Sidekick (Qeelocke), Mental Link (FAIRCHILD), Evasion Cost: 14pp

Skills: acrobatics +4, balance +6, bluff +9/+6 (attactive), concentration +7, handle animal +5, perform +4, sleight of hand +5, swim +1. Total: 22 pp

Weakness: little Quirk (2pp): low-selfesteem

Grand Total: 125pp