CharacterD&D 5E: Trickster's Gambit - 5

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Keresen Calyer :: Level 7 :: Human, mostly :: Class Warlock - Great Old One :: Lawful Neutral


Don't be ridiculous, Vir. They've been perfect gentlemen!


STR 10 +0 Save (+0) || DEX 12 +2 Save (+2) || CON 14 +2 Save (+2)
INT 12 +1 Save (+1) || WIS 9 -1 Save (+2) || CHA 19 +4 Save (+7)

Skills and Feats


History, Religion, Insight, Intimidation, Performance
Disguise Kit
Proficiency Bonus +3


Well, 'something' has certainly touched her. She can open gaps in space and willpower with the same effort. Misty Step and Command with a daily freebie each, +1 Charisma.
Mage hand drops all components, becomes invisible, and extends to double range; ranged push/pull as an action; +1 Charisma


Dwarven Trade pidgin, Humanese, High Dwarven


AC 11 | HP 52 | HD 7d8
Initiative Modifier +1
Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach
Unarmed +3 1B Actually serious about it unarmed +7 2d10Ac spell melee
Weapon 0 0d0+0 20' Weapon 0 0d0+0 20'
Weapon 0 0d0+0 20' Weapon 0 0d0+0 20'

Magic - Saving Throw 15

Spell Slots

2x L4


Blade Ward
Mage Hand (60', invisible, no components)
Mold Earth
Primal Savagery
Thorn Whip


Dissonant Whispers
Unseen Servant (R)
Detect Thoughts
Dominate Beast
Sickening Radiance
Summon Aberration

Rituals only

Find Familiar (currently a bat ["bat"])
Locate Animals or Plants
Meld into Stone
Purify Food or Drink
Water Walk

Racial Features

Insight proficiency, Bonus feat: "Fey"-touched

Class Features

Pact of the Tome (mold earth, primal savagery, thorn whip)
Eldritch Invocations
Book of Ancient Secrets
Dreadful Word
Mire the Mind
Toxic Corona (Cloak of Flies)
Awakened Mind [30' any-language telepathy]
Entropic Ward [parry and counter attack rolls]

Background Features

She was especially fond of the stage and was certainly provided with enough of an education to be a scintillating conversationalist. Once upon a time, that's what she used it for. Really helped when she fled home though. History, Performance; Disguise kit; One language (High Dwarven)



That's what they are


Only under duress


Arcane Focus | Dungeoneers Pack | Blanket | Bed Roll
Tent | 4 vials antitoxin | Clothing Common | Clothing Fine
Clothing Traveling | 100 feet Silk Rope | Climbing Kit | Water Skin
20 Arrows | Quiver | Healers Kit | Mess Kit
5 days of rations | Item | Item | Item

Magic Items



Personality Traits: Keresen doesn't exactly think she knows best. Rather, her willful drive is strong enough that when she recognizes a path to her goals, she starts moving in the same instant. She responds well to reasoned exhortations to wait, or revise her plans, but trying to impose unilateral authority on her is like trying to hold a handful of water by squeezing it tightly.

Ideal: Respect. Keresen craves her father's respect. She doesn't realize that's what it is, but even more than the personal sweetness of having her freedom, *being trusted with* her freedom would fill an emotional need she has never really confronted. Of course, he's not here. But that isn't going to keep her from trying to prove her competence to the critical voice in her head that sounds like him. At the same time, she is still essentially naïve. Her life has been safe. She's chasing the breathless thrill of adventure, and she's had about all the For Your Own Good she can stomach.

Bond: I'm at a complete loss. Suggest something.

Flaw: Keresen has a just atrocious jealous streak. She doesn't like having rivals of any kind, for any thing, at any time. And she's prone, as you'd expect, to taking action to get rid of them before really considering what "get rid of" means in a given context.

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