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Iscind Aranya, Half-Elf Ranger 6
Physical Notes

Race: Half-Elf; Sex: Female; Age: 21
Height: 5'4"; Weight: 105lbs; Eye Color: Blue; Hair Color: Blond; Features: Elven look and slightly pointed ears
Social Class
Upper-lower class
Personality Traits
Bonds: Town of Flameflower, my birthplace and home to my mother.
Flaws: I seek vengeance on those who killed my lover.
Ideals: Always help those who seek it honorably.
Traits: I am overly tender-hearted with those I care about. - I am shy around those I do not know well.
Strength | 15 | Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +2; Base Encumbrance: 75# |
Dexterity | 15 | Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +3 |
Constitution* | 15 | Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +5 |
Intelligence | 10 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +2 |
Wisdom* | 13 | Mod: +1; Saving Throw: +5 |
Charisma | 11 | Mod: +0; Saving Throw: +2 |
- * Proficiency with these Saving Throws
- Hit Points: 50 (6d10 HD, +1 CON Mod)
- Armor Class: 15 (leather 3 +dex 1 +shield 2 +misc)
- Attack Bonus: +6
- Deity: Ehlonna
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- * Longbow +2: Attack Bonus: +9; Damage: 1D8 +2; Qualities: Ranged 100ft
- * Longsword +1: Attack Bonus: +8; Damage: 1D8 +2; Qualities:
- * (Weapon): Attack Bonus: +0; Damage: 1Dx +0; Qualities:
- Size: Medium
- Movement: 60 feet
- Languages: Common, Elven, Gnoll, Orcish
- Ability Check Bonus: +1 to Saving Throws and Ability Checks with for Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charism.
- Resistance: +4 bonus to saving throws against Magical Sleep and Charm effects.
- Skill Bonus: +2 to Perception and can spot secret and concealed doors when passing within 10ft automatically make a Perception test to notice it. Also gain one additional skill proficiency
- Twilight Vision: can see normally by moonlight and in dim light.
- Favored Enemy (+3): Vs bugbears, cyclopskin, cyclopses, dune stalkers, ettins, flinds, giants, gibberling, gnolls, goblins, grimlock, hobgoblins, kobolds, meazels, norker, ogres, ogre magi, ogrillons, orcs, quaggoth, tasloi, trolls, and xvarts. Gain bonus to damage with melee & ranged weapon, and to Survival skills to track them. Bonus languages (Gnoll & Orc)
- Foe Hunter (+3): bonus to Perception and Survival skills. Rangers also halve foes’ Armor Class bonuses for cover and concealment (round all fractions down).
- Animal Empathy (+2): bonus to Animal Handling skill.
- Strider: may move at their normal Movement Rate when making Stealth checks to move silently or Survival checks to track.
- Extra Attack (2/rd)
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
- Weapons: all
- Armor: light and medium
- Shields: all
Spell Slots
Spells per level
- none yet
Spells prepaired
- none yet
- Acrobatics (DEX) +0
- Animal Handling (WIS) +0
- Arcana (INT) +0
- Athletics (STR) +0
- Chiper (INT) +0
- Craft [type] (INT) +0
- Deception (CHA) +0
- Disable Device (DEX) +0
- Disguise (CHA) +0
- History (INT) +0
- Insight (WIS) +0
- Intimidation (CHA) +0
- Language [type] (INT) +0
- Medicine (WIS) +0
- Nature (INT) +0
- Perception (WIS) +0
- Performance (CHA) +0
- Persuasion (CHA) +0
- Poison (INT) +0
- Profession [type] (WIS) +0
- Religion (INT) +0
- Sleight-of-Hands (DEX) +0
- Stealth (DEX) +0
- Survival (WIS) +0
- * Proficiency with these skills
- These skills require Proficiency to use.
Encumbrance: Base (No Encumbrance) [Strx5]: 0lbs; Moderate Load [Strx10]: 0lbs; Heavy Load [Strx15]: 0lbs
XX | x lbs |
XX | x lbs |
XX | x lb |
XX | x lbs |
XX | x lbs |
500 gold pices (in pouch) | 0.5 lbs |
Total | xx lbs |
"Meleth nin, I was to be the first..," she spoke softly as she laid his cloak over his grave. After she found him, she had chosen this spot to lay him to rest. Underneath a great oak where songbirds sang and near a fast running brook which also made its own music. The sounds of the forest he had always loved. She had loved them too but now they were less sweet without him to share their beauty.
He was lying on his back, eyes open staring at the sky when she found him. How often she had found him so when she roused from her slumber beside him. But he did not see the sky above, nor her as she leaned over and kissed him one last time. With one gloved hand she shut those eyes, thinking the only happiness I ever knew had been reflected there.
He bore only one wound, an arrow stuck forth from his chest, the area around blackened from some foul poison. There were also several splotches of blood in the grass near where he lay. He had struck at least two of those who attacked him, yet no bodies were with him. They either still lived or their companions had carried them away. She searched for the tracks and at least 6 were visible to her in addition to the blood trail. They would not be hard to find. But she would not leave him for the crows to track the wolves that slew him. And so she picked him up and carried him to a better place. Though small she was not weak.
With the task done she swore an oath to his grave. By the moon and stars above, she would make those who did this pay. One stray tear ran down her cheek, but a dead leaf borne by the wind caressed her cheek, as he so often had done, and brushed the tear onto its dry brittle form carrying it away dancing in the wind. "Can your shade not allow me even one tear," she said softly, a smile upon her lips despite the sorrow she felt.
She returned to the tracks and thought there were too many, but she estimated she could take at least half of them if she caught them unawares. And after she fell to their attacks, well she would see his face again, this time not covered in the veil of death. Her father had once told her that truth lies on the lips of dying men. She began to carefully follow the trail, for she sought truth....