SGA 2005 Archive

The following games took place in 2005:
The Cold Heart of Distant Stars
- Game System
- G.A.M.E.
- Pitch
G.A.M.E. Trailer
[Opening: a pure white room with a brunette woman in a silver jumpsuit walking towards the camera. She smiles ...]
Woman: Welcome to 2246 ..
[and unzips her jumpsuit and then opens her chest, revealing a screen showing a slowly revolving green planet with a grey steel spaceship ]
Woman: A universe of limitless frontiers ...
[the camera suddenly zooms into the screen and then around the spaceship which then blasts off ]
Woman: technological miracles ...
[cut shot to a darkened couch with a blue and white helmet. A man is lying down on the couch talking to another man in a lab suit.]
Standing Man: You're going to be experiencing virtual flying experiences. From your autonomic reactions we can extrapolate your ultimate flightsuit and our manufacturing-on-demand facilities can have it ready when you wake up.
Woman: and endless opportunities.
[cut shot to asteroids covered with domes growing plantlife. The camera slowly flies over the domes and connecting tunnels.]
Woman: But no matter how far humans go, they bring with them ...
[Suddenly zoom into one of the domes. A few hundred men are at a rally with a spotlight on one of them]
Woman: hatred ...
Man in Spotlight: The White Race will be oppressed no longer! [crowd roars]
[cut to an blond woman and a man kissing on a balcony.]
Woman: greed ...
Blond Woman: You'll do anything for me?
[cut to a dark interrogation room. A man is tied to a chair. Standing above him is an Asian man holding a pair of pliers next to his face.]
Woman: and violence.
Asian Man: Time for Dr. Picasso, plastic surgeon.
Woman: It all happens here ...
[cut shot to a man in his 50's in a black suit with a white stripe down the middle]
Man: Welcome to Poisonside.
[zoom out of the screen to see the woman narrator again. She flicks a switch and her chest picture and the trailer picture blank out simultaneously]
G.A.M.E.: The Cold Heart of Distant Stars
Adapted from "Red Harvest" by Dashell Hammett.
Soundtrack by Bebop & Destruction and King Crimson.
- Game Master
- Ed Freeman
- Players
- Characters
- Date
- January 17, 2005
- Technical Notes
- Background and sample characters
- Recaps
- Player Thoughts
- Additional GM Thoughts
Mutants in Seattle
- Game System
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Palladium)
- Pitch
- Will the terror bears be tamed? Will master Yoshi recover compeletely from his ordeal? Who are these bad humans? Where are they? Will our heros find them? Do they really want to?
- Game Master
- Laura Mortensen
- Players
- 2
- Characters
- Date
- January 10, 2005
- Technical Notes
- Recaps
- Player Thoughts
- Additional GM Thoughts
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