Cortex Prime: Urchins

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Distinctions are unique personal traits or tropes that set characters apart from one another beyond the pure mechanics.


Distinctions are valued at d8 by default. Chose one distinction that highlights your Urchin's unique Background, one that highlights a peculiar Quirk of the character, and one that highlights the sort of Sleeve the character is adept at.

Note: The Sleeve Distinction can only be used as a d4 when not actually sleeved to a machine. This does not earn a free PP as normal. Sleeve SFX be triggered while not sleeved to a machine.

Background Distinction d8

Urchins are orphans, forgotten and unseen, scraping by in the streets and sewers of the Stone City. Still, each Urchin followed their own unique path to get where they are. Sample Backgrounds might include Core Royal, Kidnapped, Born in the Black, Stowaway, etc . . .

Quirk Distinction d8

Sleeve Distinction d8


Rather than measurable individual character attributes such as Physical | Mental | Social, Urchins uses Approaches, broad goals that an action is aimed at achieving. Infiltration approach is meant to insert the character into a given situation. Investigation approach is meant to learn something about a given situation. Sabotage approach is meant to fuck up a given situation.


Approaches default to d8 d8 d8

Players may instead choose to step up one d8 to d10 by stepping back one d8 to d6


Urchins are required to fill multiple roles in their daily struggle for survival, but as happens, each Urchin tends to develop more in certain roles, becoming top tier skilled in one, highly skilled in another, competent in most of the rest, and abysmally less competent at that one role that just eludes them.


Assign one of the following dice to each role: d10 d8 d6 d6 d6 d4


Knacks are specific specialties under a given role that the Urchin is just a natural at. Starting nacks are worth an extra to the roll it applies to but can be stepped up during chargen or advancement as outlined below.

Each player gets to assign two free knacks at to their Character's role.

Each player gets to assign one free knack at to their Character's role.

Each player gets to assign two additional knacks at to any role rated or higher or step up an existing knack (or two) at a one-for-one exchange rate. Knacks cannot be assigned to a character's role.

No knack can be stepped up higher than the dice value of the role it is assigned to.

Heirlooms and Keepsakes d6

Each Urchin begins play with one Heirloom and one Keepsake.

Heirloom d8 This is a hidden treasure from someone important to the Urchin from before they were orphaned, a gift from a parent or sibling or other relative or a piece of family property that the urchin managed to sneak away with.
Keepsake d6 This is a small memento, a gift from another urchin or a minor found treasure since they became an orphan.

Additional keepsakes can be created in play by spending XP on a character created asset and making it permanent. Keepsakes, in turn, can become Heirlooms by spending XP to declare the item has become more meaningful to the character, bumping its die rating up to d8

Stress and Complications

Sleeve Stress

An Urchin's machine starts play with a rating of d6 in Core, Hull and Systems. The character's Primary Role will allow the player to step up one of these ratings one step. The player then gets to make one more step up to the mode of their choice. This can be the same mode that was already stepped up or a different one.

If a player wishes to do so, they may step down one of their d6 modes to d4 to step up another mode by one step. No mode may be stepped up past d12