The Amazing Chromato
William DeShade/Amazing Chromato
Novice Male Chameleon, Stage Magician and Illusionist
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Language (Native) d8, Notice d6, Performance d8, Persuasion d4, Science d6, Spellcasting d6, Stealth d4, Taunt d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 4; Size: Normal (-1) Hindrances: Heroic
Edges: Arcane Background (Magic), Luck
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str), Claws (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4), Horns (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6)
Language: Native (native, d8) Current Wealth: $500 Arcane Background: Magic (SWADE)
Powers: Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Illusion (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163)
Special Abilities Wall Walker: The species may walk on vertical surfaces normally, or inverted surfaces at half Pace.
Claws (d4): The race has claws that cause Str+d4 damage (this stacks with Edges like Bruiser or Martial Artist). They never count as an Unarmed Defender (page 108), add +2 to Athletics (climbing) rolls, and may climb at their full Pace.
Horns (d6): The being has a horn or horns that cause Str+d4 damage. Add +4 damage at the end of one Fighting action in which it Runs, moves at least 5′′(10 yards), and successfully hits with its horns.
Size -1: The entity is smaller than average, reducing its Size and Toughness by 1.
Magic; Powers: Bolt (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p156), Illusion (Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition p163)
Starting Bennies: 4 Current Load: 0 (21)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition Setting Rules: Born a Hero, No Power Points