FantasyCraft:Otters Ransom

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Otter's Ransom: a Dungeon Boom town

Game Introduction

A basic Dungeon Crawl game with expectations of greater interaction with the people of the world and a chance to grow beyond that. Ran with the FantasyCraft system with houserules and set in the setting of Distant shores of the realm seas.

The game proper is focused on the Lost Lands a small country sized region surrounded by 6 other nations. The Lost Lands used to be under control of family heavenly married into the neighbouring nobles and after the last noble died without an heir the neighbouring nobility got into a feud about who was the legal inheritor and so since then these families have been putting down the risk of war on any who tried to make a claim and people moved away over time mostly top to bottoms as people who desired power left to places that had people to impress, then the merchants looking for richer customers till finally most towns are mostly empty and people can't really afford to run them any more, leaving mostly small isolate villages and hamlets. Not to mention the lost of security of a nobility willing to defend you from folk threats.

What's changed recently, with the discovery of dungeons, a renewing source of wealth and magical items, the fighting nobles motivated by greed or at least a need for funds have came to an agreement they will offer the community in this unclaimed lands a shared contract of protection in return for the a share of the wealth but in such away that doesn't give them claim of the land or its people. In doing so creating a sort of free town free to rule itself not bound to the nobles. Long term there are plans to claim control but those are for another time.

The party are but one group of hopefuls looking for a new life, either via the riches of the dungeons or by supplying services for the growing population of the newly born town of Otter's ransom.

Otter's ransom



Character template


General folk


Places of note

Other locations