Firefly: 2UW 9

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Name :: Joshua Thompson

Character Quote

Approaches d6

|| Forceful d6 || Savvy d10 || Charming d8 ||

Roles d4

Fixer d10 d6

  • Knack: Medic d8
  • Knack: Jerry Rigging d6

Leader d6

Operator d6

  • Knack: Heavy machinery d6

Performer d8

  • Knack: High class manners d8
  • Knack: Barfly d6

Scrapper d6

  • Knack: Fencing d6
  • Knack: Pistol d6

Tracker d4

Distinctions/SFX d8

Checked SFX are active.

Vanity Distinction - Core world medical researcher Party Animal

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Activated SFX: Well Trained Medic Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury- based Complication.

Vice Distinction - Party Animal Always one to work hard and party hard this hasn't changed since joining the independent rim

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a
Activated SFX: Non-Stop Party Spend 1 PP to create a d8 Asset involving good times, liquor, or loud music.

Virtue Distinction - Noblesse oblige Raised with two main values in mind, the first being "Those with help those without"

Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a instead of a

Signature Assets d6

Asset d8 Description

Asset d6 Description


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