Agrom on forced leave in Jetex
Michael James Watson Looking out into the setting sun rushing into the ocean, Alvah lazily ponders the cooling night airs and the colors of the sky. Three elderly local men walk down the dock toward the shore, nodding, just barely keeping themselves from gloating over their daily take. They head to the Shore Shop to have their take filleted. Half for themselves and half for Spatchi's kitchen. Sipping at her tankard of the local drink she is acquiring a taste for; tequila and ginger ale with a splash pineapple juice and a wedge of lime. Spatchi's recent table treat; corn chips fried in habenaro oil with flash frozen and powdered jalapeno and pineapple. She laughs briefly at Spatchi's first exposure to dry ice and her subsequent mania flash freezing anything she came across. The restaurant has been doing well, and has developed in the 6 months since its opening into a local place that welcomes tourists. A pocketful of cash to a few ship's concierges has meant a steady flow of well-off men and attractive women from the ship lines, none of the boring cruise guests that fill the tourist traps in Acapulco. A few trips around the region, to restaurants with Spatchi as often as not, has made the leather clad motorcycle women a distinctive, if not familiar presence. One trip to the Restaurante Condimento ended up with them getting a hotel room since Spatchi disappeared for hours into the kitchen. She laughs at the job offer Spatchi got from a chef who had no idea who he was talking to. Still, she takes a night a week of from her own kitchen to be a sous chef there. Good practical training she said. A few weeks after that a pizza oven showed up in the kitchen. Oh well... Vek and Max have been gone for 4 months and its been hard to keep from trumping him. Nur popped in a couple times but she was busy and the rumors in the news of a world class gem thief stealing emeralds and rubies made her a tad nervous to be associated with him. He didn't stay long enough to get more then a curious look of denial. Six months without a word from Random. Or Delwin, or really anyone else. Fishing, dancing, drinking, running a fine bar. Chasing off suitors who don't have the stamina. Getting caught by the ones who do. No calls from Candle or Vance. Finishing the drink, she rises. Tossing the last chips into the sea and starts to head back for the night. With the sunset almost done behind her, she feels a trump call.
Amber Bronkhorst As she is about to turn and feels the trumpcall she breaths calmly, strange feeling after such a time. She chuckles going through her mind the remark of Random of her going native. Calmly she touches the trump contact with her psyche. She isn't an expert but first she wants to check if it feels familair before deciding on accepting or kittens in blenders.
Michael James Watson There is something familiar, not a new kitteninablender feel to it. Something rough and angry though.
Amber Bronkhorst Cautiously Alvah accepts the call. Making sure she stands ready to... well she doesn't know yet. But at least being ready for anything. With a deep inhale she opens the contact.
Michael James Watson She sees Agrom, looking angry. His forehead is smooth and he is holding a fishing pole as if it was an executioner's blade. "I have been told if I do not take a vacation I will be released from Star Fleet. I was told in no uncertain terms that it meant traveling off shadow after i destroyed a couple holosuites. Father came in a few moments ago, smoothed my forehead, gave he this pole with string, a ridiculous hat with hooks and insects on it, and told me to go visit my aunt. Pull me through?"
Amber Bronkhorst Alvah smiles wide and nods holding out her hand when she sees and hears Agrom. "Come through Agrom, you'll like it here." She pulls Agrom through making sure he stands on the docks and not to near the water.
Michael James Watson Arriving he is wearing his uniform and a ridiculous hat. He growls looking around. "Ah..nice place... I have used these before but only on holodecks. Do you have a suggestion what i should do now? I am not used to being on vacation. I was tempted to go to a Klingon battle realm but father said it would be too easy for me and would just make me more angry.....He told me to come here and not hit anyone for 60 days or he would find someplace in shadow i would have to relax..Someplace in Mandalay. I shudder to guess. "
Amber Bronkhorst Alvah looks thoughtfully to Agrom. She then calmly nods. "Well first off all i am going to make sure you have a place to stay, you can have one of the suites to the side. " She tries to hold her laugh "not hitting anyone for 60 days hmm... alright well there is plenty to do around. I would not suggest fishing as a first if you are so angry. It would just be frustrating then. What i usually do when i'm inclined to hit someone, i will run, parkour. We have a lovely place for that, or i go out, dance pursuade someone to join me for sex afterwards.. always a good release. Drink heavily... altho i am afraid that that would just cause you to hit people.... " SHe winks at Agrom. "But all of that you can easily do here. and when you perhaps feel a bit more at ease, you can always set up here on the docks and start fishing." Alvah then hodsl up her finger thinking of something. "OH Spatchi knows some lovely routes to drive as well with the bikes. We can ask her advice, but first lets go by Dwyn, so she can make sure there is a room ready for you."
Michael James Watson He says " limits? Speaking of which, Candle told me to let you know he has leave anytime and I can summon him. He's in the Vulsaras Deck" "Are there any dragons here?... earth world.....Sharks? Can we beat sharks with these sticks? "
Amber Bronkhorst Alvah blinks. "You are asking me? if Spatchi is off limits? oh dear nephew... she is her own woman.. she decides herself if she is interested or not. Who am i to decide for her... she will kick my ass. Same goes for Dwyn." A wide grin on her face. "Else i would also have lovely girls around, they are not escorts but, some of the dancer ladies here are very adventurous, nimble and have quite an endurance and a handsome brooding stranger is always exciting." She looks at the skies and shakes her head "No, no dragons.. thank goodness. but yes we do have sharks further out in the ocean. i wouldn't suggest hitting sharks with a fishingpole. I can arrange a boat for you so you can go out diving with sharks to punch some in the nose... See if that saying is true. " She smiles slyly haring about Candle. "Great, happy he has some time off. and he is welcome any time really. I'll be honest... the locals are great. but not many can keep up."
Michael James Watson He nods. " run a hotel? Vance want me to tell him about it. Perhaps he and Candle will visit. Show me the way, tavernkeeper."
Amber Bronkhorst "Yes, hotel, restaurant, bar. Support local fishing business and small tourist business." She gestures over to the beach and fishingboats. Then walking over the docks she shows the bar, but first goes to the hotel to arrange a room for her nephew. Dwyn probably manages most of the hotel by now and Alvah leaves her do that keeping her at least busy. At the simple front desk she smiles at Dwyn. "Dwyn, Agrom is staying here for a bit i'm sure we have a sizeable room for him available, right?"
Michael James Watson Day says, "sleeping, not exercising, yes?"
Amber Bronkhorst Alvah raises her eyebrow and smiles, "Just give him one of the bigger suites. He is staying here for a while." Then remembering "Oh and while you are at it, can you check if two other big rooms are free? In case Vance and Candle want to come by." She turns to Agrom. "They are welcome at all times of course. Anything you want to do first? Or you first want to go see your room?"
Michael James Watson Agrom goes and settles in and comes down for drinks. He is a tall distinctive black man when his forehead is flattened. Intimidating as a human.
Amber Bronkhorst Alvah has warned Spatchi that Agrom has checked in as a guest. And that Agrom was asking about her. When Agrom comes down Alvah shows Agrom to the bar. Showing him to a table where he has a good view of everything. "So think you can manage to stay here for at least 60 days? That was the deal with Vance right?" She nods to the bar stocked with bottles "What can i get you?"
Michael James Watson "Prune Juice, chilled. Merlot, chilled. I'll mix them myself. I don't need to stay here 60 days, just stay on vacation. I'll stay here for a few days at least. Ive been breaking things and Vance was probably right sending me away. I am tempted to stay away for a time. I've been in Star Fleet my whole life. I've never traveled as I am told Amberites do. I don't really know where to go.. I was tempted to draw a card at random and go there. Would you be interested in joining me? "
Amber Bronkhorst Alvah nods and walks to the bar fridge getting the order for Agrom with an extra glass. She grabs herself a bottle of blue tequilla of course and a glass. Sitting down she listens to Agrom. "You've nver traveled through shadow to just travel? Well i haven't either but then again i am way younger then you." She frowns. "I admire your dedication to Star Fleet. Not many can pull that off. " She pours herself a drink and slowly drinks it in one go. Putting the glass down she then pours it full again. "Go with you? On a random trump journey. " Alvah laughs "Sounds fun, but i have a fast paced shadow. And..... some plans in the making. " When she says that she keeps her eyes focused on her glass. "Though it does sound tempting. It is a fun thing to do. Just let the trumps decide where to go. "
Amber Bronkhorst "Oh you said that Vance and Candle might want to come by, you can tell them they are more then welcome. Rooms have been set aside for them. " She smiles to Agrom and slams back her drink in one go. "though a slight warning i am going to call Delwin soon, i want to see if we can have a talk without ending it in a fight for once. And i want to give him an update of what is going on. Doesn't matter how tense things are he should at least know wha this daughter is up to. "