Pirates of the Baltic Sea:Ylfa Gray

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Ylfa Gray

3rd level Scoundrel, Gutter Punk
Female Icelander, 28 years old

Strength 10, Dexterity 18 (+4), Constitution 14 (+2), Intelligence 14 (+2), Technology 10, People 12 (+1)

Hit Points: 24 (3d8 +6)
Saving Throws: Fort +2, Reflex +8, Mind +2
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics (+6), Perception (expert: +6), Persuasion (+3), Sleight of Hand (+6), Stealth (expert: +8), Streetwise (+4)
Tool Proficiencies: Disarming Kit +4, Lock Pick +4
Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: Melee Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Combat Shotguns, Light Armor, Helmets
Language: Icelandic, Swedish, English, French
Vice: I have a real sweet tooth and will often waste money on candy.

Initiative: +11
Armor Class: 15 (ZA Korp kevlar jacket; DR/2 Ballistic)
Speed: 35 feet

Heavy Pistol: ranged attack +6 to hit, range 50/150; damage: 2d6 ballistic damage
Hidden Blade: melee attack +6 to hit; damage: 1d8+4 slashing damage, finesse

Origin: Gutter Punk

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Dex, +1 to Tech and Con
  • Base Move: 35ft
  • Shotgunner: weapon proficiency with combat shotguns
  • Adaptive: pick proficiency with any one skill (Perception)
  • Misspent Youth: Influence - Street 3

Class: Scoundrel

  • Hit Dice: 1d8
  • Starting Proficiencies - Armor (light, helm), Weapons (melee, pistols, submachine guns, shotguns), Save (Reflex), Skills (3 of Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)
  • Cunning Action: bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action
  • Sneak Attack: +2d6 damage once per turn with an attack that has advantage. Must be a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if an enemy of the target is within 5ft and isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack.
  • Expertise: two skills or tools (Perception and Stealth)

Archetype: Smuggler

  • Shoot First: add proficiency bonus to Initiative (total)
  • Run and Gun: if you move at east 10ft in any direction during your turn you gain +1 damage rols until the start of your next turn.

1st Contract Term: Merchant (Trader)
Skill: Persuasion
Language or Tool: Lockpicks
Wage (x15,000₩): 2d4 5 (75,000₩)
Parting Gift: 1d6 1, (20,000₩)
2nd Contract Term: Criminal (Thief)
Skill: Streetwise
Language or Tool: Disarming Kit
Wage (x8,000₩): 2d4 8 (64,000₩)
Parting Gift: 1d6 1, (10,000₩)


[total cash: 469,000₩; Spent: 464,215₩; Remaining: 4,785₩]
Enhanced HUD (Tier 0, Eyes; 30,000₩)
Neurolink (Tier 0, Neural)
Quickened Reflexes: +5 Initiative, +2 Reflex Saves (Tier 1, Neural; 100,000₩)
Hidden Blade: Bonus action to extend or retract, DC20 to detect while hidden, 1d8 slashing damage, finesse (Tier 1, Left Forearm; 200,000₩)

Gear (Wt. 30lbs) Heavy Pistol (100,000₩; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 50/150; Ammo: 10mm; Qualities: 15 shots; Wt. 4lb)
Ammo: 100 rounds of 10mm (5,000₩)
Holster, Ammo (500₩; Wt. 1lb)
Holster, One-Hand (1,000₩; Wt. 1lb)
ZA Korp Kevlar Jacket (15,000₩; AC 11+Dex; Damage Resistance: DR/2 Ballistic; Wt. 12lb)
Disarming Kit (2,000₩; Wt. 2lb)
Lock Pick (2,000₩; Wt. 1lb)
Backpack (2,000₩; Wt. 5lb)
Clothes, Average
Comm, Earpierce (5,000₩)
Duct Tape (20₩; Wt. 0.5lb)
Mirror, Steel (500₩; Wt. 0.5lb)
Notepad, Waterproof (90₩; Wt. 2lb)
Pen x5 (45₩)
Superglue (40₩)
Torch (20₩; Wt. 1lb)
