FantasyCraft:Otters Ransom:Michael Mitchell

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Michael Mitchell

Male Skitter(Rat-kin) Fencer Soldier lvl 1
Medium Folk

Physical Description

Height: 4 foot 10 inches
Build: Spry
Eyes: Red
Fur: Topaz

Backstory and personality

Character Sheet

Quick reference

Senses Notice +3, Search +4
Stealth Blend +2, Sneak +3
AD: 3d4, starting 3
Initiative +9 (+3 Dex + 1 class + 5 Speciality)


Defense 16 (+3 Dex + 1 class + 2 shield)
DR 2 (1 armor)
Vitality 14 (12 class x lvl + 2 Con x lvl); Wounds 14 Con
Fort +3 (+2 Con + 1 class)
Ref +3 (+3 Dex + 0 class)
Will +3 (+1 Wis + 2 class)
Defensive Abilities

Fire resistance: Fire resistance 3 Leather armour
Delicate: takes one less grade of fatigue or shaken to take out
iron gut: +2 insight to fort vs disease and poison


Speed 40 ft.
BAB +1
Melee +3 (+1 BAB + 2 Str)

Unarmed: Unarmed +3 atk 1d4+2 S
skitter sword cane: melee edge +4 atk 1d8+3 L damage AP 2, finesse ,+1 dodge anticipates,
Hide Shield bash: melee blunt -1 atk 1d3+2 S Guard 2, untrained

Ranged +4 (+1 BAB + 3 Dex)

rock throw: +4 atk 3 S

Special Attacks

[name] [stats]


Str 14 (+2)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 14 (+2)


Edge Forte (prof from fencer)

Skills: (4 class + 1 Int) x [lvl + 3] = 20;

Acrobatics +7 (+3 dex + 4ranks +other) Class, Origin, Prodigal
Athletics +2 (+2 str +ranks +other) Class
Blend +2 (+2 cha +ranks +other)
Bluff +2 (+2 cha +ranks +other)
Crafting +1 (+1 int +ranks +other) Class
Disguise +2 (+2 cha +ranks +other)
Haggle +1 (+1 wis +ranks +other) Origin
Impress +6 (+2 cha +4 ranks +other) Class
Intimidate +1 (+1 wis +ranks +other) Class
Investigate +1 (+1 wis +ranks +other)
Medicine -1 (+1 wis +ranks -2 Skitter)
Notice +3 (+1 wis +1 ranks +other) Class
Prestidigitation +7 (+3 dex + 4ranks +other) Origin, Paired>Survivial
Resolve +0 (+2 con +ranks -2 Skitter) Class
Ride +0 (+0 stat +ranks +other)
Search +3 (+1 int +2 ranks +other) Class
Sense Motive +1 (+1 stat +ranks ) Trained by trinket
Sneak 3 (+3 dex +ranks +other)
Survival +5 (+1 wis +ranks +4 ranks from paired skill Prestidigitation) Class, Paired<Prestidigitation
Tactics +5 (+1 wis +r4 anks +other) Class


Native lang: Long tale
Free lang:Traveller/Trade
Other lang: Noble
Other lang: Taleless
Homeland: Tujaalbahr
Career: Sellsword
Free 1: Study: Tales of far off lands
Free 2: Study: Sword School: The Rascal's Tail
Free 3: Study: Literature: Speculative
Free 4: Study: Seafaring

Carrying Capacity: Light 90, heavy 270, lift 520 drag 1350


Species (Skitter)

Dark vision I
Hearty Appetite
Iron gut
Paired skills (prestidigitation->survival)

Speciality (Fencer)

Bonus feat: Fencing basics
Proficiency: Edge
Trick: Parry

Class (Soldier)

Core: Accurate
Level 1:Sword Basics


Species: hidden promise (wisdom)
Specialty: Fencing basics
Level 1: prodigal skill (acrobatics)
Solider: Sword Basics


Parry (Fencer)
Deft swing
Fully engaged
Dammed if you do

Money and Gear

Lifestyle: 2 (0 class + 2 Cha)

Panache 2 (20s/month, +1 Appearance), Prudence 0 (15% savings)

Appearance +4 (+2 Panache + 2 Cha)
Stake 0 (100 x lvl) Hand 0

skitter sword cane: Fencing sword
Hide shield : Shield
Partial fitted leather: Armour
thieves tools: Allows disarms checks
Backpack: +2 to str for carrying capacity
bed roll: Cold resistance 4 at night
pouch: Holds 50 coins
canteen: Hold 2 quarts of water
rations (7): 7 day rations
Torches (10) : dim light 30ft radius 1 hour, 1d 4 fire damage
Tinder box : makes fire

Legend +1 (1 class)
Reputation: 7 (lvl x 10)
Renown: 0

Lapis Lazuli earring of truth: Sense motive is considered trained : 3 rep


[name]: [effect] :cost