DnD5 DragonStar

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This conversion are the rules for playing a fantasy D&D5th edition game is a modified version of the Dragon Star setting.


Character Classes and Basic Rules: classes and races from the Player’s Handbook 5th ed. (PHB) along with Xanathar's Guide to Everything (XGE), Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes (MTF), Volo’s Guide to Monsters (VGM) and the Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron (WGE).

Resolve Points: as Hero Points in the DMG pg. 264 but with a few new extra uses.

  • A spell-caster type character could spend a Resolve point as an Action and regain ½ (round down) his level in spell levels back (4th level wizard could regain 2 levels of spells back, either a 2nd level spell or two 1st level spells). You must complete a long rest to use this feature again.
  • During a rest (short or long) you can spend a Resolve Point to re-gain ½ your HD (round down, min 1) in additional healing rolls that you must use immediately during this rest. These don’t count towards your Hit Die used for healing. You must completed a long rest to spend a Resolve point this way again. One can also spend a Resolve Point and recover one level of Exhaustion as an Action. You must complete a long rest before you can use a Resolve point this way again.

Melee Combat and Firing While Prone: When you target a foe with a ranged attack and when that target is in melee range with an ally your attack rolls is at disadvantage (just like making a ranged attack while in melee). You are not at disadvantage when using a firearm when prone.

Hardness: Vehicles and material stop so much damage automatically (ala Damage Reduction of older editions). Hardness reduces all damage by its level before applying it to the target.

Primitive Weapons & Armor: are ineffective at penetrating advanced armor and advanced weapons tend to cut right through primitive armor (see Gear). Natural weapons and armor are not primitive.

Slow Natural Healing: per the DMG pg. 267. You regain HD after a long rest but NO Hit Points. You can also recover one level of Exhaustion after a short rest (in additional to one you regain after a Long Rest).

Tool Proficiencies: is not being used. Instead covered by normal skills (see new skills).


An important note about the setting is technology and magic. Over the last two thousand years technology has grown a great deal but so has magic. Today magic is so ingrained in the design and creation of most technological devices that the two are rather indistinguishable. This gear then counts as “magical” and can be affected by anti-magic. ‘Analog’ items are made with magi-tech but at a very low level and are not affected by anti-magic, dispel, ion attacks, etc.

Any item with a Powercell will not work with in an Anti-Magic or similar areas. These items can be subject to the Dispel magic spell. A caster choices one item and the wielder must make an Intelligence save. Failure means the item stops functioning for one minute (10 round). With an action a Mechanic skill check vs. the same DC can restore an items function. Items with powercells of C or D gain a +2 bonus to this save, E or F powercells gain a +5 and G or H powercells gain a +10. If the item has multiple powercells add +1 for two cells and +2 if it has 4 or more cells.


Athletics: includes things like Climbing, Jumping and Swimming. See PHB pg. 175-6 for most uses. With a move of at least 10 feet in a straight line make a check, every 2 you get over a DC10 adds 1 foot to a long jump and ½ foot height for a high jump. Standing jumps halve these distances.
'Carrying Capacity: Strength x 10 lbs. Small is Strength x 5, Tiny x2, Large x20, Huge x40, etc.
Acrobatics: per PHB pg. 176-7. Also you can attempt to move through a hostile space of a creature that is your size or one size small or larger then you. The DC18 or this movement provokes an Opportunity attack and you end your turn in front of the creature. Enemy occupied spaces count as difficult terrain. You can past a creature of any size without causing an Opportunity attack if your check vs. DC15. You must end your Movement in an unoccupied space as normal. You can also make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check vs. DC20 to gain the Disengage action as a Bonus action. Acrobatics is also used when making natural flying maneuver checks like flying through obstacles, etc.
Drive (new): control of hovercraft, wheeled, tracked, walker and watercraft.
Pilot (new): control of all aerocraft, helicopters, anti-grav, spacecraft and transports.
Sleight of Hand: per PHB pg. 177 Stealth: per PHB. pg. 177
Arcana: per PHB pg. 177
Capital Ship Pilot (new): piloting of capital classed starships (Behemoth size or larger)
Computer Use (new): is use and program computers and golems, using scanners, etc.
Culture (includes/renamed History): per PHB pg. 177, but also races, planets, laws, etc.
Mechanic (new): basic fixing skill of golem, equipment, starships, etc.
Investigation: per PHB pg. 178
Nature: per PHB pg. 178, includes life sciences and biology.
Physical Science (new): includes astronomy, geography, planetology, etc.
Religion: per PHB pg. 178
Technology (new): this skill covers understanding and working with most technological devices.
Thievery (new): this skill covers using most illegal devices like security and forgery kits.
Animal Handling: per PHB pg. 178
Insight: per PHB pg. 178
'Medicine': per PHB pg. 178
Perception: per PHB pg. 178
Survival: per PHB pg. 178
Deception: per PHB pg. 178
Gambling (new): covers all games of chance and gambling styles.
Gather Information (new): gain information from talking to people.
Intimidate: per PHB pg. 178
Performance: per PHB pg. 178
Persuasion: per PHB pg. 178