Rangers of Arden

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The Rangers of Arden are among the oldest military forces in Amber. Created by Oberon in the times before the kingdom was founded. Assembled in small groups to guard against the invasion of various monsters and creatures from shadow that started being drawn to the growing center of Amber.

Commander Julian of Arden

Early in his life Prince Julian began spending time with the Rangers and eventually became recognized as their leader before Oberon made the office official.

Commander Duncan of Arden

With the departure of Commander Julian to rule the realm of Adagalasck the post of Warden of Arden fell to his long time second in command, and son, Lord Duncan of Arden.

Commander Duncan's time in shadow was spent in a large number of earth worlds in the epoch of the 1800s. His command style and unform choices show this.

Uniform and Equipment

Under Commander Julian



Under Commander Duncan


As with the previous commander, Commander Duncan does not require a standardized uniform though rumors suggest this may change in time. Hoiwever his personal style has encouraged many rangers to follow his lead. THose joining the Rangers may choose their own attire but are issued clothes following the new style.


While the bow and Arrow is by far the most common standard weapon carried by the Rangers recently the new Nail Gun carbine is coming into use. Based on the high tension clockwork design bought to Amber by Prince Caine and adopted by Marshal Benedict, the carbine fires a 3" long, 10 gauge nail at a rate of 2 per second. This increase in offensive firepower is being eagerly embraced by the newer rangers and seen as sacrilegious by older ones. The Fey-oriented Rangers refuse to use the weapon, favoring their traditional arms.