Running Sheet Ariebah
- Knight of Wall
- Knight of Amber-Elite. Rasak Graduate.
Total: = Stats+ Powers{c}+ Skills+{c}+ Items +0/0 allies/Enemies + Stuff+Storage
- in Stats
- x (x) in Powers
- in Skills
- (x) in creatures/Items
- 0 in Allies (0/0)
- Stuff
- Psyche: Amber
- Strength: 8
- Endurance:11
- Warfare:6
Powers {10}
- 10 Power Words
- 1 Cantrips
Skills {15}
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
- various
- various
- Elite to Lady Skadi
Items {}
Micholtian Bow
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 2 Double Speed-Due to bow's ease of movement.
- Usually accompanied with a quiver of 40 Micholtian long yards. (Crafted to +2 Arrows)
A elite weapon for Tosian Archers.
Readren Chest Plate
- 1 Mobility-Well constructed and personally fitted. Extremely light.
- 2 Combat Reflexes-Well suited to her personal fighting style.
- 4 Invulnerable
- 1 alt Form-Chest Plate. Fine chainmail hauberk
- 1 Ability-Call to arm. (Call to Arm usually arrives as the body fitting hauberk.e
Prize for the victor of the All Wall Invitational-archery Catagory
Blade of Wall
- 4 pip Deadly Damage-Rearden blade.
- 2 Double Speed due to metal lightness.
- 1 Pip Combat training specific to this blade.
- 1 Pip Stamina. blade's lightness and custom design causes it to wear on wielder half as much as a similar blade.
- 1 Ability-Call to hand
- 9 total
Shadows {}
- Born in Itchil, Tosa. Raised in the Milcholtian tradition. Became greatly disillusioned by the entire pantheon but with Mitchol in particular.
- Joined the Military of Itchil. Transferred to the Kingdom of Wall.
- Fought in the Orc Wars of Tosa. distinguishing herself at Wall, receiving a knighthood and a blade.
- After the Orc wars joined CHAD rather then remain in the military. Better pay.
- Served in several campaigns with CHAD. Was pat of the initial force sent to Amber when CHAD was hired.
- Victor of the All Wall Invitational-Archery category. Defeated several Mitcholtian champions. Was awarded a customized Rearden Breastplate.
- Resigned from CHAD and joined the military of Amber.
- impressed her superiors earning rank. Promoted to Officer Training. Selected to attend Rasak with an eye on he joining the Elite Protective Service.
- First protectee Lady Skadi Dashaldottier of Mandalay
Abilities gained
- 5 Pips Warfare-Graduates reach at Least Amber Rank in Warfare
- 3 Pip Endurance-graduates gain at least Chaos Rank in Endurance with 5 pip toward Amber rank.
- 2 Pip Strength-Graduates gain at least Amber Strength
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
- 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
- 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
- 1 Pip Skill-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.