Brother Edmund
Brother Edmund, Human Monk
Edmund Quarrie, hailing from the depths of Waterdeep's Field Ward, didn't so much fall in with a bad crowd at a young age, as he was born into it. Running the streets of Waterdeep's poorest neighborhood with other urchins, he developed a taste for mischief and drink at far too young an age. After one particularly rambunctious mishap involving a donkey, a crate of fireworks, and a makeshift still during Ahghairon's Day, Edmund was forced to flee the city, one step ahead of the Watch. Unfortunately, he had no idea where to go, and no skills to survive on, but luck was on his side, as he managed to join a band of postulants bound for a monastery of the Followers of the Unhindered Path of Ilmater in the Greycloak Hills. Here he trained and eventually joined the brothers in becoming a monk. However the brothers brewed beer for trade with the locals, and while Edmund's heart was in the right place, he never lost his taste for drink. After one too many mornings spent in bed hungover when he should have been copying manuscripts, the monastic leadership assigned him the (as they phrased it) prestigious role of recruiter, to extol the virtues of the monastic life to the uninitiated and do what good he could in the world while at it. Knowing no where else, Edmund gravitated back to Waterdeep, his youthful crimes long since forgotten. A large, shaggy, bear of a man, he's now found frequenting Waterdeep's taverns, and telling anyone who will buy him a drink about the benefits of a penitent life.
Race: Human (Variant: +1 Dex, +1 Wis, Skill Expert feat, Perception proficiency)
Class: Monk (Drunken Master)
Level: 3
Background: Urchin (Stealth & Sleight of Hand proficiency, Disguise Kit & Thieves's Tools tool proficiency, City Secrets)
Alignment: CG
Age: 33
Height: 6'2
Weight: 320 lbs
Skin: White
Hair: Brown (though balding)
Eyes: Brown
STR: 11 (+0)
DEX: 18 (+4)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 9 (-1)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 12 (+1)
Prof Bonus: +2
HP: 21
Proficiencies: Shortswords, Simple Weapons
Saves: STR (+2), DEX (+6)
Initiative: +4
AC: 17
Speed: 30'
Hit Die: 2d8
Languages: Common, Goblin
Quarterstaff: +6 to hit, 1d6 + 4 damage, or 1d8 + 4 damage (two-handed)
Martial Arts: +6 to hit, 1d4 + 4 damage
Dart: +6 to hit, 1d4 + 4 damage, range 20/60
Acrobatics (+6)
Insight (+5)
Perception (+5)
Persuasion (+3)
Sleight of Hand (+6)
Stealth (+8)
Performance (+3)
Disguise Kit, Thieves' tools, Brewer's Supplies
Skill Expert (+1 DEX, Stealth expertise, Persuasion proficiency)
Class Features
Unarmored Defense (+WIS to AC)
Martial Arts (d4)
Ki (3 points)
Unarmored Movement +10'
Deflect Missles
Bonus Proficienies (Performance skill)
Drunken Technique (Can Disengage and +10' movement after using Flurry of Blows)
Quarterstaff (1d6/1d8)
10 darts (1d4)
Dungeoneer's Pack
Small knife
Map of Waterdeep
Pet Mouse (Marty)
Woodcarving of parents
Common Clothes (Monk's robe and hood)
1 Healing Potion
28gp 18s 54c