Brahnamin's Characters: Gaslight

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"Mama" Nguyen :: The Fishwife

Mama Nguyen 0001.png

"If you desire fish, go where the fish are"

Archetype :: Spiritualist/Occultist

Mama Nguyen is an avid student of the occult and of the powers and creatures that lurk beyond the veil of our world. By day, she is a fishwife in the London Markets, but that is a thing she does to put food in her belly and allow her to track the things that mortals are not meant to follow.


AGE Indeterminant | HT 5'0" | WT 100 LBS | SKIN Swarthy | EYES/HAIR Dark

STR 9 |CON 10 | DEx 12 | INT 10 | POW 17 | CHA 12

HP: 10/10 | WP 17 | SAN 85 | BR 68 | MS 99 | RS 85

Damage Bonus: +0


Administration 10% Alertness 20% Anthropology 30%
Appraise 10% Archaeology 10% Art 0%
Athletics 30% Charm 80% Craft 10%
Disguise 10% Dodge 30% Drive 20%
Empire Lore 0% Firearms 20% First Aid 10%
Foreign Lan *(Eng) 40% Harangue 70% Heavy Machinery 10%
History 40% Insight 70% Law 0%
Mechanical Knack 0% Medicine 0% Melee Weapons 70%
Military Training 0% Navigate 10% Occult 70%
Persuade 70% Pilot 10% Reassure 50%
Regional Lore 0% Research 50% Ride 10%
Scavenge 10% Science 0% Search 30%
Social Etiquette 10% Stealth 50% Streetwise 0%
Surgery 0% Survival 10% Swim 20%
Theology 10% Unarmed Combat 20% Unnatural 0%

* Native Language: French


Short, dark, and slight of build, William "Liam" Johnson was born in Cheyenne, Wyoming. His mother died in childbirth and his father was killed in a bar brawl a few years after he was born. As fortune would have it, however, Liam was adopted by his paternal grandfather, a wealthy Cape Cod eccentric who annoyed all the proper folk and basically did as he pleased.

The old man did not pass down much to young Liam in the way of proper social behavior or work ethic, but he did hand down a rapt fascination of the occult.

When his grandfather died - under mysterious circumstances - he left everything to Liam, but absent the old man's presence, the young man had little inclination to stick around and left things in the hands of the estate lawyer to handle in his absence.

Liam didn't venture far, mostly roaming the Atlantic northeast, conning folk and tinkering with whatever he got it in his head to tinker with, never staying in one place very long, subsisting on his wits supplemented by letters of credit as needed from the estate lawyer and mostly treating life as a game.

But he retained a healthy fascination with the occult and never passed up the opportunity to look into strange happenings and rumors that crossed his path.

Income: $20,000 Assets: $100,000