Dragons Wake (SWADE PbP)/Olivia Gray
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Olivia 'Liv' Gray a.k.a Agent Iris
The only successful result of Project Indigo, an experimental attempt by the British government during WW1 to conceive psychic children, Liv Gray has been raised from birth to be a top tier asset for British Intelligence. After spending her formative years globetrotting and training with masters of the psychic arts the world over, she entered service with British intelligence during the 1930s as they attempted to curb Nazi attempts to obtain and utilise ancient artefacts of arcane power. During this time she earned her codename, Agent Iris.
After spending some time aiding French resistance fighters in Vichy France, Agent Iris was transferred to TOG to assist them with their efforts in the Pacific theatre, where her prior knowledge of the occult would hopefully come in handy.
Race: Human (ADAPTABLE: Humans begin play with any Novice Edge of their choosing.) Archetype: Psychic Spy
Hindrances Curious (Major) Suspicious (Minor) Stubborn (Minor) Arrogant (Major)
Attributes and skills Agility d6 Athletics d4 Stealth d8 Shooting d6 Fighting d6 Smarts d8 Common Knowledge (Smarts) d4 Notice d8 Battle d6 Survival d6 Language (French) d6 Language (German) d6 Language (Russian) d6 Language (Japanese) d6 Spirit d8 Persuasion d8 Occult d8 Performance d8 Focus d12 Strength d6 Vigour d6
Edges Alertness (+2 to Notice Rolls) (Human) Linguist (Character has d6 in languages equal to half her Smarts die) (Multiple Languages) Arcane Background (Super Powers) (Free)
Super Powers Telepathy (2) + Range (2) Telekinesis (3) + Power (2) (Raises strength of power to d8) Mind Reading (3) + Strong (2) (Smarts roll to resist made at -2) Mind Shield (1)
Gear Colt Peacemaker (.45) (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, RoF 1, Shots 6)