Ordo, halfling messenger
- Character in the Town of the Damned (a Fleaux Adventure)
- Level: 1
- Origin: halfling
- Background: Grew up in the street +1 Dex
- Profession: Messenger
- Crime: being an agitator
- Strength: 8
- Dexterity: 12
- Erudition: 10
- Charisma: 11
- Guts: 8
- Melee: 9
- Shooting: 9
- Hit Points: 7 / 8
- Willpower: ud6 / ud6
- Damage dice: d4 unarmed, d6 armed
- Protection: no armour
- You can choose the move action twice without rolling Willpower.
- You are able to memorise everything you hear with a successful Willpower roll, +1 Charisma
Ordo grew up in the Iron Kingdom as the child of a poor family, learning to live by his wits on the streets.
Ordo got caught up in a riot against the Order of Penitents when he was delivering a message for one of the smuggling gangs of halflings.
- Hanger
- Knife
- 10 shillings
- Frying pan
- Crossbow* and ud6 bolts
- 4 polished, interesting-patterned stones