Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul: Gaius

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Gaius Valerius is the seventh son of a prominent Archontean house. Not likely to inherit wealth, he attended the Collegia of the Order of Thoth. Tall and awkward, with a crooked nose and a weak chin, he nevertheless bears the air of one accustomed to privilege. After graduating from the Collegia, Gaius was sent by his father to advise his Uncle Lucius in Narsileon, across the sea, who manages an export company on behalf of House Valeria. However, Lucius had not been informed of the decision and told Gaius when he arrived that his services were not in fact required. Humiliated, Gaius spent much coin drowning his sorrows in the upper class brothels and drinking houses of Narsileon. Now, unwilling to return to Archontos with nothing to show, he has taken the long journey upriver to Vetucaster, in hopes of exploring the Ancient city of Arden Vul that has long fascinated him, crown jewel of ancient Archontos. Surely he will discover great riches and magic there!

  • Lawful Level 2 Archontean Magic User
  • Alignment Goal: Impose or maintain order in the face of chaos.
  • Personal Goal: Make his own fortune. Uphold the laws and traditions of the Great Empire of Archontos.
  • XP: 3427/5000
  • Traits: ambitious, curious, arrogant
  • Secondary Skill: Mapmaker
  • Languages: Archontean, Mithric, Thorcin


  • Strength 9
  • Intelligence 16 (+2)
  • Wisdom 7 (-1)
  • Dexterity 8 (-1)
  • Constitution 10
  • Charisma 7 (-1)


  • HP: 5
  • AC: 9
  • Initiative Bonus: -1
  • Bonus to reaction rolls: -1
  • Movement: 120

Attacks/round: 1
Max Cleaves: 0


  • Dagger, +0, 1d4

Saving Throws

  • Death/poison: 13
  • Magic wands: 14
  • Paralysis/Petrification: 13
  • Breath Attacks: 16
  • Spells/rods/staves: 15

Class Abilities

  • Magical research - a magic-user of any level may spend time and money on magical research. This allows them to add new spells to their spell book and to research other magical effects. When a magic-user reaches 9th level, they are also able to create magic items.
  • Spell casting - Magic-users carry spell books containing the formulae for arcane spells. The level progression table shows both the number of spells in the magic-user's spell book and the number they may memorize, determined by the character's experience level.
  • Using magic items - As spell casters, magic-users are able to use magic scrolls of spells on their spell list. They can also use items that may only be used by arcane spell casters (e.g. magic wands).
  • Order of the Fifth Circle trained: Cantrip - The character can expend small amounts of magical energy to accomplish basic tasks. The character may do so as often as desired and can produce the following general effects: shed light in a 5’ radius, extinguish a fire no larger than a torch or lantern, clean or dry a 25-sq.-ft. area, produce small gusts of wind, open or close unlocked and unbarred doors and windows, etc. Generally, cantrips have a maximum range of 45’, and last for no more than one hour. It takes one round to cast a cantrip. The caster can cast offensive cantrips as well. These minor spells can take any form, but all inflict untyped magical damage; a caster who tosses small balls of fire isn’t actually doing fire damage. Such spells have a range of 25 feet and do 1d4 points of damage, or 60 feet and 1d2 points of damage. Both require a successful ranged attack roll and the target does not get to make a save.


  • Spells/day: L1 2/2

Spells memorized

  • L1: Sleep, Sleep
  • L2:
  • L3:

Spells Known:

  • L1: Sleep, Charm Person, Read Magic, Detect Magic
  • L2:
  • L3:


Encumbrance: 110 cn


  • Backpack (80 cn)
  • Waterskin
  • Dagger (10 cn)


  • A Dagger
  • B (underground, a lit lantern)


  • Bedroll
  • Crowbar
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Quill
  • 2 vials of Ink
  • Rope (50 feet)
  • Rations (iron, 35 days)
  • Scroll case
  • Spellbook
  • Journal/Mapbook (10 pages)
  • Torches (10)
  • Tinder box (flint & steel)
  • Large sack
  • 2 small sacks
  • Second dagger
  • Belt Pouch w/2 oil flasks
  • Padded case with 10 oil flasks (holds 10)
  • Lantern
  • Vial of Holy Water

Stashed (where):

  • V
  • W


  • Coinpurse: 4gp, 8sp
  • Factor (which factor):

Hired Help


  • X


  • Y


  • Z
