Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul:Eusebia WWN
Eusebia Tagaris
Daughter of Theodora Tagaris, agent of the Drome, and Agdir of Borealios. Studied in the Order of the Fifth Circle. A middling talent, getting by on charm as much as skill. Traveled to Arden Vul to investigate rumors of extraplanar contacts from before the contraction of the Empire.
- Class L4
- Background: Noble
- Class Ability:
- Languages: Archontean, Wiskin
- Traits: honest, steadfast, deceitful
- Secondary Skill: Vintner
- Lawful, Alignment Goal: Impose or maintain order in the face of chaos
- XP: 12
- Strength 9
- Intelligence 14 (+1)
- Wisdom 9
- Dexterity 4 (-1)
- Constitution 18 (+2)
- Charisma 14 (+1)
- Convince-1
- Know-0
- Lead-0
- Magic-2
- Notice-1
- Lucky-1
- Archontean Sigilism-1
- Level 1: You can embed spells in small tokens that function as calyxes only usable by yourself. Creating such a token takes ten minutes per level of the spell and the expenditure of a normal daily spell use. This expended slot may be recovered normally. Using them takes a Main Action, but the sigil need only be presented firmly; no vocalization or gestures are required, and it cannot be interrupted by damage. Only one token can be empowered at any one time.
- HP: 21
- System Strain: 18
- AC: 9 (Unarmored AC: 9)
- Initiative Bonus: -1
- Bonus to reaction rolls: +1
Basic Attack Bonus:
- Melee Attack Bonus: +0
- Ranged Attack Bonus: +0
- weapon, attack value, damage, notes
- weapon2, attack value, damage, notes
Saving Throws
- Physical: 10
- Evasion: 11
- Mental: 11
- Luck: 12
- Spells/day: 2
- Prepared: 5
- Effort: 4
- Effort committed:
- Active: 0
- Scene: 0
- Day: 0
Spells memorized
- L1: The Excellent Transpicuous Transformation, Imperceptible Cerebral Divulgence
- L2: Extirpate Arcana, The Inexorable Imputation, The Verdant Vallation
- L3:
Spells Known:
- L1:
- The Coruscating Coffin
- A thaumic discharge is focused on a single visible creature within one hundred feet per caster level, wreathing them in a lethal mantle of crackling energy. The target suffers 1d8 damage per caster level, with a Physical save for half. NPC targets with only 1 hit die will inevitably be slain regardless of the damage done. The spell cannot be blocked by non-magical intervening barriers, provided the caster can see the target with their unaided vision.
- Decree of Ligneous Dissolution
- Wood, linine, cotton, rope, and other plant- or fungus-derived matter is annihilated by a wave of entropic force that washes though an area near the caster. The mage targets a point within one hundred feet per caster level and designates a number of continguous 10-foot cubes within that area equal to or less than their caster level. All non-magical plant matter within that area immediately erodes away to dust. Enchanted objects of plant matter cannot be affected, but ordinary plant based clothing, bows, or wooden-hafted weapons will be destroyed. If used against plant-based monsters, the spell does 1d10 damage per caster level with a Physical save for half.
- The Excellent Transpicuous Transformation
- The mage chooses up to one visible willing target per caster level provided they are within 100 feet, though afterwards the targets can separate freely. The targets and all they wear or carry become perfectly transparent. Missile attacks against invisible foes are largely impossible, and melee attacks against them usually suffer a -4 penalty to hit rolls. The spell lasts for up to an hour per caster level, but it breaks if a subject performs some violent motion, such as running, attacking, or casting a spell. Once broken for one subject, it breaks for all.
- Imperceptible Cerebral Divulgence
- The Long Amber Moment
- Phantasmal Mimesis
- The Coruscating Coffin
- L2:
- Extirpate Arcana
- The caster sweeps away all unwanted magical effects and enchantments within a twenty-foot radius, centered on any visible point within one hundred feet per level. If the magical effect was cast by a creature with equal or fewer hit dice or levels, the effect is negated automatically. Otherwise a contested Int/Magic or Cha/Magic skill roll must be made, with higher-leveled caster gaining a +2 bonus on their roll and the dispeller winning any ties. The spell is not strong enough to permanently suppress standing magical effects, and requires the aforementioned contested roll to have any chance to even temporarily suppress them. If successful, the effect is negated for 1d6 rounds. If cast on a very large enchantment, only the portion within the spell's zone of effect is suppressed.
- The Inexorable Imputation
- Resounding Temporal Echo
- The Verdant Vallation
- Extirpate Arcana
- L3:
- Arcane Lexicon
- Commit Effort for the scene. For the rest of the scene, you can read any script that was not intentionally obfuscated or encoded by its writer. Extremely esoteric or nonhuman scripts may not be comprehensible this way; the "plain meaning" of the text might be utterly foreign to human logic.
- Restrained Casting
- Commit effort for the day as an instant action when casting a High Magic spell. You may do so in perfect silence and without need for somatic gestures, though damage will still disrupt the casting.
- Retain Sorcery
- Commit Effort for the day as an On Turn action after casting a spell; it does not count against your casting limits for the day. You can use this art no more than once per day, and the stress of using it prevents you from casting another spell before the end of your next turn.
- Sense Magic
- Commit Effort as an Instant action; while it remains committed, you can visually perceive magical energy and get a one-sentence description of the effect of any standing magics or magical items you inspect. The ambient magical energies in most areas allow you to see clearly even in perfect darkness.
- X
- Y
- A
- B
- Q
- R
Stashed (where):
- V
- W
- Coinpurse:
- Factor (which factor):
Hired Help
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