Mad Season Character - 1

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Name: Nowhere (real name Jasper Brightmoon)
Alignment: TBC
Gender: Male
Race: Tiefling
Class: Sorcerer
Level: 3
Age: early twenties

Description: Nowhere is a blue tiefling, with black horns like a ram's and unruly white hair that stops just short of being curly. His ears and canine teeth are pointed, and his eyes a solid blue. He has humanoid feet and legs, rather than goatlike.

Where many tiefling's adorn their horns, he chooses not to. Instead he wears three silver rings in the top of his left ear, and a handful of small charms on leather cords around his neck and wrists. These include his spellcasting focus, a piece of blue fulgarite, and an abstract silver charm given to him by his family when he left home.

Ability Scores

Strength: 8 (-1)
Dexterity: 12 (+1)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Intelligence: 11 (+0) (+1 for Tiefling)
Wisdom: 14 (+2)
Charisma: 17 (+3) (+2 for Tiefling)

AC: 11
Hit Dice: 3d6
Speed: 30'
Proficiency: +2

Melee Attack: -1 (Str) / +1 (Dex) if the weapon has Finesse
Ranged Attack: +1
Spell Attack: +5
Spell Save DC: 13

Initiative Bonus +6
Passive Perception 14
Passive Insight 14


Sorcery Points: 3

Spell Slots:
Level 1: 4
Level 2: 2

Cantrips known:

  • Gust
  • Mending
  • Message
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Thaumaturgy (Tiefling)

Spells Known:
Level 1

  • Fog Cloud
  • Thunderwave
  • Witch Bolt

Level 2

  • Misty Step

Saving Throws

Strength: -1
Dexterity: +1
Constitution: +3 (PR)
Intelligence: +0
Wisdom: +2
Charisma: +5 (PR)

Languages Known

  • Dwarven Trade
  • Giantish (swapped for proficiency withwater vehicles)
  • Outlander (Tiefling)
  • Primordial (and can understand/be understood by speakers of the dialects Aquan, Auran, Ignan, Terran) (sorceror subclass)


  • Daggers
  • Darts
  • Light crossbow
  • Quarterstaff
  • Slings
  • Navigator's Tools (sailor)


  • Insight (Wis)
  • Persuasion (Cha)
  • Athletics (Str) (Sailor)
  • Perception (Wis) (Sailor)


  • Alert - You gain the following benefits:
    • +5 bonus to Initiative
    • You can't be surprised while conscious
    • Other creatures don't gain advantage on attack rolls against you as a result of being unseen by you.


  • Darkvision - You can see in dim light within 60' as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were in dim light (although only in shades of grey).
  • Hellish Resistance - You have resistance to lightning damage
  • Hellish Rebuke - At 3rd level can use Hellish Rebuke as a 2nd level spell once per long rest - it does lightning damage
  • Infernal Legacy - You know the Thaumaturgy Cantrip.


Saving Throws - Cha / Con
Spellcasting Sorcerous Origin - Storm
Wind Speaker - You can speak, read, and write Primordial (and can understand and be understood by those who speak its dialects Aquan, Auran, Ignan, and Terran)
Tempestuous Magic - You can use a bonus action on your turn to cause whirling gusts of elemental air to briefly surround you, immediately before or after you cast a spell at 1st level or higher. Doing so allows you to fly up to 10' without provoking opportunity attacks.
Font of Magic - Sorcery points
Subtle spell - can spend 1SP to cast without Verbal or Somatic components.
Twinned Spell - can spend sorcery points to target an extra creature with single target spells.


Sailor: Jasper was an apprentice storm sorceror aboard the merchant ship Covenant before he absconded to Da'an Du.
Feature - Ship's Passage: You can secure free passage on a sailing ship for yourself and your adventuring companions, in exchange for assistance during the voyage.


  • Heirloom item - silver trinket he wears on a leather cord around his wrist - +1 protection and Cure Wounds (once per rest)
  • 2x daggers
  • Light crossbow + 20 bolts
  • Explorer's pack (backpack, bedroll, mess kit, tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days' rations, waterskin, 50' hempen rope)
  • Common clothes
  • Spellcasting Focus - a piece of blue fulgarite on a leather cord.
  • 150 gp

Character Backstory

Jasper Brightmoon is a tiefling raised by halflings in the Reach. Family history is that he was found floating in a box by fishermen after a storm, but no trace of a shipwreck was ever found. Since they couldn't work out where he came from the halfings raised him themselves. When he got older it became apparent he was a sorceror, and when it became clear his power leaned towards an affinity for storms his family did what you're supposed to do in the Confederacy - sent him to Adamalasha to apprentice. Storm sorcerors are a valuable asset in keeping ship trade safe.

Just one problem: he hated the sea and shipboard life, and the strict hierarchies and restrictions of tiefling society. So during a layover he absconded inland, drawn by the giant sandstorm of the Gyre. He took the name Nowhere and has been in Da'an Du ever since.


Positive Faction - Nowhere was raised to be helpful, but has few skills that won't draw the wrong sort of attention. He mostly works for the Weavers Guild making small repairs to tents and other items with the Mending cantrip.

Negative Faction - due to an unfortunate incident involving a store full of pots and Thunderwave, Nowhere has negative standing with the Potters's Guild.


Jasper hasn't been in Da'an Du long enough for his own place, and prefers to be around people than alone so stays in Da'an Du's hostel.

Significant Contact

Keth - a half-orc a couple of years older than Jasper, he was also found abandoned and raised in the same community. The two grew up together and are close. He made his way to Da'an Du when Jasper was sent to Adamalasha, and works with the Stonemasters.