Dorte Skjeggestad

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250 points

Attributes: ST 10 [0]; DX 12 [40]; IQ 15 [100]; HT 12 [20]

Secondary Characteristics: BL 20 lb; Dmg thrust 1d-2, swing 1d

HP 10 [0]; FP 12 [0]

Per 16 [10]; Wil 15 [0]

Basic Speed 6 [0]; Basic Move 6 yd [0]

High Jump: 26 in; Broad Jump: 9 ft

TL: 10; Culture: Vargr (native) [0], United Worlds Alliance (alien) [2]; Language: Vargr (Native) [0], UWA Standard (accented) [4]; Wealth: Average [0]; Status: 0 [0]

Advantages: Common Sense [10]; Discriminatory Smell [15]; Fearlessness 2 [4]; Healer 5 [50]; Night Vision 8 [8]; Sensitive [5]; Sharp Teeth [1] Perks: Fur [1]

Disadvantages: Addiction (tobacco, minor) [-5]; Callous [-5]; Chummy [-5]; Curious [-5*]; Honesty [-10*]; Impulsiveness (12-) [-10]; Post-Combat Shakes [-5*]; Selfless [-5*]; Sense of Duty (friends, family, clan) [-5]; Social Stigma (License Revoked) [-5]; Workaholic [-5] Quirks: Attentive [-1]; Proud [-1]

Skills: Bioengineering (Tissue Engineering) (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; Biology (Earthlike) (VH) IQ-3 [1]-12; Body Language (A) Per [2]-16; Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-15; Current Affairs (Popular Culture) (E) IQ [1]-15; Current Affairs (Science & Technology) (E) IQ [1]-15; Diagnosis (H) IQ+2 [2]-21†; Electronics Operation (Medical) (A) IQ+1 [4]-16; Esoteric Medicine (H) Per-1 [2]-15; Expert Skill (Xenology) (H) IQ-1 [2]-14; First Aid (E) IQ [1]-15; Free Fall (A) DX [2]-11; Hobby Skill (Card/Board Games) (E) IQ [1]-15; Hobby Skill (Video Games) (E) IQ [1]-15; Hypnotism (H) IQ-2 [1]-13; Intimidation (A) Will [2]-15; Mechanic (Life Support) (A) IQ [2]-15; Pharmacy (Synthetic) (H) IQ+1 [1]-20†; Physician (H) IQ+2 [2]-21†; Physiology (Human) (H) IQ+1 [1]-20†; Psychology (Human) (H) IQ+2 [2]-21†; Psychology (Vargr) (H) IQ+2 [2]-21†; Research (A) IQ [2]-15; Surgery (VH) IQ+2 [4]-21†; Spacer (E) IQ [1]-15; Streetwise (A) IQ [2]-15; Vacc Suit (A) DX [2]-11


  • Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120.

† Includes +5 for Healer.