Defeat is an Orphan: Robert Collins

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Robert Collins

Robert Collins.jpg


Age: 27

Occupation: Investigative Journalist

College/Degrees: XX

Residence: Boston (Cambridge Street, Beacon Hill)

Birthplace: Boston?


Characteristic Full Half Fifth
STR 50 25 10
CON 45 22 9
SIZ 50 25 10
DEX 60 30 12
APP 70 35 14
EDU 50 25 10
INT 75 37 15
POW 65 32 13
Characteristic Max Current
HP 9 6
SAN 65 65


Accounting 20% Fast Talk 30% Law 20% Science 01%
Anthropology 01% Fighting (Brawl) 35% Library Use 40% [Science Specialty] 01%
Appraise 05% [Fighting Specialty] 01% Listen 30% [Science Specialty] 01%
Archaeology 01% [Fighting Specialty] 01% Locksmith 01% Sleight of Hand 20%
Art/Craft (Writing) 60% Firearms (Handgun) 30% Mech Repair 20% Spot Hidden 25%
[Art/Craft Specialty] 01% Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) 35% Medicine 20% Stealth 30%
[Art/Craft Specialty] 01% [Firearms Specialty] 01% Natural World 10% Survival 10%
Charm 25% First Aid 30% Navigate 10% Swim 20%
Climb 20% History 20% Occult 05% Throw 20%
Credit Rating 20% Intimidate 15% Op. Heavy Machinery 01% Track 20%
Cthulhu Mythos 00% Jump 20% Persuade 20% [Other Skill] 01%
Disguise 20% Language (Other) 01% Pilot 01% [Other Skill] 01%
Dodge (Half Dex) 40% Language (Other) 01% Psychology 40% [Other Skill] 01%
Drive Auto 20% Language (Other) 01% Psychoanalysis 16% [Other Skill] 01%
Elec. Repair 10% Language (Own) 70% Ride 05% [Other Skill] 01%

Occupation Skills: (List)


Damage Bonus: 0


Dodge: 40

Weapon Skill Damage Range Attacks Ammo Malf
Unarmed 35 1d3 Touch 1
Sap 35 1d8 Touch 1
S&W Model 10 Revolver 30 1d10 15 yd 1(3) 6 100
Savage Model 99 Rifle 35 2d6+2 110 yd 1(3) 5 99

Other Equipment

  • Corona No.3 Typewriter
  • Kodak No.2 Folding Autographic Brownie


Robert Collins was a foundling deposited at the orphanage in 1897 - he was baptized Robert Collins because one of the orderlies on duty at time was a huge Boston Beaneaters fan, and named him after Bobby Lowe and Jimmy Collins. Bobby grew up smart but scrappy, learning to fight his corner in the orphanage without coming across as a stuffed-shirt. Being made to wear glasses from an early age didn't help. He made up in dogged persistence what he lacked in strength and weight. He also developed a chip on his shoulder about education, dreaming of a university place he never could aspire to as a poor orphan boy. He learned what he could in journalism at the orphanage, editing the orphans' magazine and studying through correspondence courses. By the time he left the orphanage, he already had a junior reporter post lined up at a local paper. That same scrappiness and chippiness led him to sign up for military service in 1917, and he served in France during World War 1. A solid service record, and some stirring dispatches from the Front, helped his professional standing, and on returning from France, he found himself a position at the Boston Globe. He's now a rising reporter covering city news.

Bobby is very conflicted about the orphanage - loves it and resents it fiercely. It was his home and his family, but it's also the reason why he never had a real one of either, and it's what held him back from going to university (he thinks). Also, he learned some hard lessons at the New Old Way about standing up to bullies - lessons that have stood him in good stead and got him into trouble more than once, especially when reporting on Boston's mob.

Bobby is all about uncovering secrets - the secret of his own real parents and pedigree being perhaps the main motivating one. If he comes across a mystery, he'll jump right at it, and will resent anything holding him back from investigating further.

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