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A Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast adventure.

The Fifth Chapter: How Does A Garden Grow

In which Amelie and Sal are forced to work together and plant a garden in Yazeba’s backyard.

Amelie and Sal had both worked at the Bed & Breakfast long enough to know when Yazeba had gotten into one of her moods. The first warning sign was always Yazeba’s even further withdrawal from the daily goings-on of the Bed & Breakfast. The second warning sign was always mysterious packages containing books written in a variety of natural and unnatural languages being placed in the mailbox. And the third warning sign was always Yazeba’s cheerfulness.

A happy witch is far more dangerous than a grumpy witch.

And so, when Yazeba came whistling downstairs for the first time in weeks with a stack of books under one arm all titled such things like Barnabie Duke’s Officious Guide To Horticultural Production, Amelie and Sal knew exactly what was going on. She tossed her tomes onto the kitchen table, nearly spilling Sal’s coffee.

“Well, my dear staff, I’ve been thinking about the backyard,” Yazeba said with an artificial grin, “And I believe the garden requires some upkeep, and I figured one of you could take care of it for me.”

“Respectfully Miss Yazeba, I know exactly what to do.” Amelie whirred over, putting aside their broom for a moment.

In that same instant, Sal spoke up while leaning back in his chair. “Don’t worry ma’am, I can handle it.”

Amelie paused. Sal paused. Yazeba rolled her eyes. “Oh, so who should I choose then?”

Sal stood up with indignation. “Yazeba, I’m a creative. An artiste. Give me a plot of land and I’ll make the most beautiful garden you’ve ever seen. Look, very respectfully to Mx. Tin Can over here,” He nodded to Amelie, “But you need someone with a vision, and that’s me.”

Amelie beeped. “TIN CAN?! Miss Yazeba, this gentleman can’t be bothered to throw out yesterday’s sandwich, you expect him to maintain your garden?” Sal stammered, but Amelie cut him off. “I just downloaded 50 megabytes of the latest cutting edge botanical organization software. I can make sure your garden is perfect.”

“Very well, both of you can take care of this.” Yazeba said.

“No. Wait, yes. No!” Sal and Amelie both spoke at the same time, glaring at each other across the coffee table.

Yazeba grinned. “You have to learn to work together sooner or later, so why not now? Wrangle some volunteers, and put the rabbits to work. You have a garden to grow.”

Our Cast:

  • thenorm42 as Sal
  • FrivYeti as Amelie
  • booked as Parish
  • Naphthalim as The Rabbits In The Garden Who Wear Little Outfits

Current Trackers

The Veggie Tracks: X
Peas: 2/2, Beans: 0/2, Lettuce: 2/2, Tomatoes: 2/2
Potatoes: 0/2, Rutabaga: 0/2, Pumpkins: 2/2

The Flower Tracks: O
Roses: 2/2, Dandelions: 0/2, Daisies: 2/2, Snapdragons: 2/2
Sunflowers: 2/2, Moon Lilies: 0/2, Orchids: 0/2

The Garden Bed
[ O ][ X ][ O ]
[ X ][ O ][ X ]
[ X ][ O ][__]

Chapter Rules:

Frantic Mood

Before this Chapter starts, we’ll put a big pile of Chaos Coins where everyone can reach them. Whenever anyone wants to tick a track, they’ll consult their Chaos Coins:

  • If they don’t have any Chaos Coins, they succeed right away, and take a Chaos Coin.
  • If they do have Chaos Coins, they flip all of them at once, and if all the coins come up heads, they succeed! Otherwise, they don’t tick the track and must do a Whoopsie about it. Either way, they take another Chaos Coin.

Anyone can cash in five Chaos Coins to tick a track right away.

When any of us does a Bingo, they may give away all their Chaos Coins to someone else, making the whole mess their problem. (That person shouldn’t then turn around and return the coins with a new Bingo—no tag backs!)

The Dirty Work

Whenever a Veggie Track fills up, whoever checked it off last gets an “X”. Whenever a Flower Track fills up, whoever checked it off last gets an “O”. Take a tiny scrap of paper and draw the symbol on it. They may give these Xs and Os to whoever they please, but Amelie and Sal would like them most of all.

During this chapter, everyone has access to the following additional Bingos:

  • Bring someone else a snack.
  • Remind someone to put on sunscreen.

... and the following additional Whoopsies:

  • Spill dirt or fertilizer everywhere.
  • Step on a plant.

Garden Planning

Sal and Amelie are both trying to finagle the design of the garden. Amelie is attempting to arrange the garden in neat rows, alternating between Xs and Os. Sal is trying to play Tic Tac Toe with himself. Once the garden is completely filled up, the chapter ends. Amelie and Sal decide together how it ends, everyone drinks some lemonade, and the Bed & Breakfast gets a ▢ Dandelion Bouquet. Hold onto any leftover Chaos Coins, and leftover unplaced Xs and Os, for Housekeeping.

Tasty Little Snacks

The Rabbits in the Garden Who Wear Little Outfits are normally a helpful warren, but all the seeds and veggies and snacks flying around has them feeling a bit mischievous. The Rabbits In The Garden Who Wear Little Outfits may consult their Chaos Coins in order to steal an X or O from another player. If they succeed, they may hold onto it and consume it, ticking a Track on their Journey.

The Rabbits In The Garden Who Wear Little Outfits may also be persuaded to be helpful. They just simply don’t have to be helpful.