Avenging Angel (Rise from the Ashes)

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A player character in Rise from the Ashes.


Todd grew up on a small farm where he worked alone with his dad. He wasn't very strong, or very smart, but he did keep an eye out and worked hard. One day Todd snuck out of bed late to look at the stars. One caught his eye and flew straight at him. He ran, but it caught him and crashed into him.

The next day, he woke up having been transformed. His father not understanding what happened, attacked him, thinking he had come in the night and stolen his son. No matter what Todd said, his father didn't believe him. With this he left and became a traveling hero. At first he traded odd jobs for food and shelter, soon, people gladly sheltered and fed him for fighting off bandits.


Motivation: Doing Good. (Todd grew up on a farm and has few other skills. When he had to leave his father's farm he felt useless all the time. That feeling torments and terrifies him, so he finds usefulness in being a hero)

Complication 2: Weakness (Todd doesn't know it yet, but cursed weapons can hit him even when he's in his energy form.)


Strength 0, Stamina 8, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 8, Intellect 0, Awareness 8, Presence 5


Dodge 4, Parry 8, Toughness 8, Fortitude 8, Will 8


Initiative 12

Angel Punch: Close, +8 attack, +8 Energy Damage, Mostly used while in energy form.


  • Insight 2 ( 10 )
  • Perception 4 ( 12 )
  • Treatment 6 ( 6 )
  • Investigation 4 ( 4 )


Connected, Diehard, Improved Initiative (2), Attractive


  • Insubstantial: 3
  • Flight: Winged 3
  • Environment: Light Control 1
  • Damage: Energy (Light) 8
  • Healing: Others Only 8


A pair of jeans and a ruffle shawl collar open front length drape cape.