Mythic Greece Hyale

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Background: Outlander

Height: 5'5

Weight: 160 lbs

Trait: I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them.

Ideal: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it.

Bond: I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it.

Flaw: Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.

Strength 20 +5 +2 genasi, +2 ASI

Dexterity 16 +3 +1 genasi, +1 Benny feat

Constitution 14 +2

Intelligence 10 -

Wisdom 14 +2

Charisma 10 -

AC: 16

HP: 44

Speed: 35’

Proficiency: +3

Melee Attack: +8, 1d6+5 bludeoning (Unarmed, one-handed ) Melee Attack: +8, 1d8+5 (Unarmed, two handed)

Ranged Attack: + 6 Special (Net), range 5/15

Ranged Attack: +6 1d8+3 damage (Longbow) Range 150/600

Spell Attack: +5

Saving Throws

Strength + 8

Dexterity + 3

Constitution +4

Intelligence -

Wisdom +2

Charisma +1


Greek, Amazonian


All armour and shields

Simple and Martial weapons

Lyre, leatherworker's tools


Athletics: +8

Acrobatics: +6

Perception: +5

Survival: +5




Misty Step (Variant)

+1 Int, Wis, or Cha, and Misty Step and one 1st level Divination or Enchantment spell once per long rest


Shocking Grasp: Melee spell attack (advantage if target is wearing metal armour), 1d8 lightning damage and target cannot make reactions until the start of its next turn

Feather Fall: Up to five targets fall at 60 ft per round for one minute, if they land before the duration is over, they take no fall damage


Misty Step: Teleport to an empty space within sight and 30 ft

Hunter's Mark: Concentration, up to an hour. Mark a target within 90 ft. All weapon attacks against this target deal +1d6 damage and you gain advantage on any Perception or Survival checks to find it. If the target drops to 0 before the spell duration ends, a bonus action can be used to select a new target.


Darkvision: 60'

Unending Breath: Can hold breath indefinitely when not incapacitated

Lightning Resistance: Resistance to, uh, lightning damage.

Mingle With the Wind: Shocking Grasp known as a cantrip. At level 3, can cast Feather Fall once per long rest, at level 5, can cast Levitate once per long rest. Both spells do not require material components. Casting stat is Wisdom



Fighting Style: Unarmed Fighting Style. Unarmed strikes can deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + Strength modifier. If you aren't wielding any weapons or a shield when you make the attack roll, the d6 becomes a d8. At the start of each of your turns, can deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage to one creature grappled.

Second Wind: Once per short or long rest, can take a bonus action to regain 1d10+fighter level HP

Action Surge: Once per short or long rest, can take an additional action.

Extra Attack: Can make two attacks per Attack action

Martial Archetype


Student of War: Can proficiency in one artisan's tools (leatherworkers')

Superiority Die: Four d8s, regained each short/long rest

Maneuver save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + Strength (DC: 16)


Evasive Footwork: Expend a Superiority Dice when moving. Die is added to AC while moving

Grappling Strike: Immediately after hitting an enemy with a melee attack on my turn, expend a Superiority Dice to immediately try to grapple the target. Die is added to the Athletics roll to initiate the grapple.

Riposte: When a creature misses with a melee attack, use reaction to expend one Superiority Die to make a melee attack against the creature. If the attack hits, add the superiority die to the attack's damage roll



Longbow, 20 arrows

2 nets

Explorer's pack

Staff, hunting trap, animal trophy, traveler's clothes

Pouch containing 110 gp


One of the Nymphai Artemisiai, Hyălē ('Crystal') was given to the goddess Artemis as one of her attendants at a young age. A lifetime of hunting and roaming the wilds later, she has grown far stronger than any expected. With an absolute lack of interest in marriage to any man, her own prodigious strength and her almost Dionysian level of sheer wild joy in the hunt and unarmed combat - although, fortunately, not quite to the extent of a Maenad - she now has a life ahead of her to find for herself. Right after the Trojan War, where she would have gotten so many chances to throw herself against mighty opponents. Still, she knows she will find adventure, even if she has to chase it down and wrestle it into submission.

She rather hopes she has to do that, to be entirely honest. Naturally, she has the greatest respect and affection for Artemis, but the young nymph is very much away that one does not ignore or neglect any of the gods, no matter how much her own physical strength marks her as semi divine in her own right.