Damaged Souls - Character 1
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Donny Girard :: Gearhead/Crafter
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|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Fight | Influence
| Labor
Checked SFX are active.
Gearhead (Role) - Donny's dad Horace wanted to be a NASCAR driver. After being half-blinded in a wreck, he decided to live that dream vicariously through his sons. Before Donny could walk he had a wrench in his hand.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Description
Crafter (Affinity) - When Donny makes something or fixes something, it often ends up being . . . different. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Sometimes just weird. Often with parts that align in strange ways and seem to recapitulate unknowable symbols while the thing works.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Silent (Quirk) - Donny was never much of a talker. Since his brother's death, it's a struggle to get him to say anything.
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Description
Signature Assets 

Every Saturday morning since he was old enough to talk, Donny's father would take him out to the shop, fill a galvanized steel bucket with random mechanical parts, and then dump them out on the floor in front of Donny. He wasn't allowed to leave until he'd figured out what each one of those parts was and how it worked, and explained it to his father's satisfaction. Whenever Donny's trying to fit parts together or figure out what some part does, he remembers The Bucket.
In the fashion of the time for a certain class of teenager, Donny wears a thick leather cuff on his left wrist. On the exterior is a metal cross on one side and an inset locket-sized picture of his deceased brother on the other. That's how he got the camp staff to let him keep it. They didn't look closely enough to notice that the inside of the cuff contains a small knife, some dental tools, a couple of very small screwdrivers, and various other tiny tools. The backside of the cross itself has a very shallow 10mm socket.
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