Damaged Souls - Character 3
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Adam Harrison:: The British Kid
Character Quote

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Drive
| Fix
| Labour
| Notice
| Operate
| Shoot
| Sneak
| Survive
| Throw
| Treat
Checked SFX are active.
Distinction - The British Kid
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Description
Distinction - Premonitions
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
SFX: Description
Distinction - The Forever DM
Hinder: Sometimes your distinction works against you. Gain 1 plot point when you roll a
instead of a
Signature Assets 

Big Bag of Dice. Lots of d4s for some reason. As good for thumping people as a sock full of pennies.
People don't listen to Adam. His older brother Steve didn't listen when Adam said not to get the car, and now he's dead. His older sister Nancy didn't listen when he said not to go out with that creep, and now she acts like it was Adam's fault the guy hit her.
His parents don't listen to him because he's the youngest.
People think he makes things happen but he doesn't. He told Linda MacKay to be careful on the stairs and now everyone thinks he pushed her, and that he cursed Mr Bennett the maths teacher, and that he made Mrs Price the librarian lose her baby. He doesn't make things happen, he just sees them sometimes.
The other kids at school thought he was creepy. He was angry after Steve died so he started getting into fights, getting expelled from school after school. Finally his parents decided they'd had enough of him and sent him off to live with his mum's parents in America.
He hates America. It's not as cool as in the movies. There's no school uniform so everyone can see when you don't fit in, and there are jocks and cheerleaders everywhere and the popular kids are just as awful as they are back home. America sucks.
The only good thing was the D&D club. It wasn't anything official, just Adam used to run for a couple of the other kids after school. Steve used to DM, he let Adam play sometimes. It was fun. He stole the books from Steve's room after the funeral and took them with him.
His grandparents think D&D's to do with the devil which is just stupid, but like everyone else they don't listen. They threatened to take the books away, but they're all he has left of Steve so he hid them. He said if they took the books he'd run away back to England, so now they've got rid of him as well to some stupid summer camp. It's supposed to be for "troubled teens" which means brainwashing or something.
He just wants to go home.