Seeds in their Pockets

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This is the wiki page for the solarpunk Traveller game "Seeds in their Pockets"


Picture UPP
Enzo Tameron 597899 Age 34 CR 9,400

4 terms Other Skills: Forgery 2, Computer 1, Jack-of-all-Trades 1 (modified house rule) (Service skills at 0: Vehicle TBC, Gambling, Brawling, Bribery, Blade Cbt, Gun Cbt)

Gear: Body Pistol and 2x ammo, Rifle and 5x ammo, Mesh, Dagger, Short range comm, Personal computer (software TBC)

Klaatu McLaren 9A9B83 Skills: Pilot,2, Engineering,1, Navigation,1, Ground Car,1
Luna Kryten A68976 Age 26 Cr 30000

2 terms Merchant (3rd Officer) Skills: Auto Pistol,1,Bribery,1,Navigation,1,Jack-of-all-Trades,1,Medical,1 Gear: Blade,1

Luna Kryten A68976 Age 26 Cr 30000

2 terms Merchant (3rd Officer) Skills: Auto Pistol,1,Bribery,1,Navigation,1,Jack-of-all-Trades,1,Medical,1 Gear: Blade,1