Hegemony: Traits/Chargen

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Prime Trait Sets

Primary trait dice should be included every roll. Add one die each from Attribute, Role, and Distinction sets to form the base of every dice pool.

Attributes d6

Attributes are the building blocks that make up what a character is before everything else. Attributes are your character's first prime set, and one (1) Attribute die is added to every roll

Each character is ranked in three (3) Attributes


Rank each Attribute at d8 or rank one (1) Attribute at d10 one (1) at d8 and one (1) at d6

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Roles d6

Second in the Prime Traits sets are Roles, and one (1) Role die is added to every roll.

Characters tend to fill multiple roles in the regular course of things, but as might be expected, different characters develop more in certain roles than others.

Each character is ranked in eight (8) roles:

CROWD CONTROL AND TACTICAL RESPONSE: Dealing with masses of people in stressful situations, riots, or panic, or armed, military, or security problems.
DIPLOMACY AND COMMAND: Understanding psychology and social triggers and being able to manipulate, organize and inspire others to action.
ENVIRONMENTAL THREATS: Facing and overcoming hazardous environmental conditions such as fire, chem spills, hostile atmosphere, vacuum and more.
LOGISTICS AND ANALYSIS: Finding and collating priority information quickly and applying it to emergent situations with a particular eye for obtaining and allocating resources.
MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING: Using, repairing, modifying, and understanding machines, engines, vehicles, generators, and appliances with an understanding of design and fabrication.
NETWORKS AND SYSTEMS: Resolving issues connected to or involving information or computer networks and systems.
PILOTING AND NAVIGATION: Operating craft in and out of atmo, including performing Weft calculations to perform gravity slides between significant system objects.
TRAUMA AND MEDICINE: First response medical assistance, triage, and paramedic treatment with an understanding of disease and pharmacological treatments.

Rank one (1) Role at d10 two (2) at d8 three (3) at d6 and two (2) at d4

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Distinctions d6

Distinctions are the third set of Prime Traits and thematically define aspects of each character to paint a clear picture of them as a whole. Include one (1) Distinction die with every roll.

Each character is ranked in three (3) Distinctions:


Shipboard Duty d8

What are your primary duties on the ship? Are you the captain? The cook? The pilot? The mechanic? The medic?

Off-Ship Duty d6

What are your primary duties away from the ship? Are you the team's resident explosives expert? Professionally trained firefighter? Soldier? Programmer?

Note: There is no story reason your Off-Ship Distinction can't be similar or even identical to your Shipboard Distinction, but mechanically it is advisable to include some measure of diversity in your Distinction list to get broader use out of them in general.

Character Flaw d6

This Distinction should be something that makes your character stand out from regular folk and perhaps earn them some notoriety. Despite use of the word flaw it does not have to be intrinsically negative or bad, but it should be a trait you would be interested in playing up.

Are you a gambler? Do you drink too much? Race street cars? Fight in the ring?

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Secondary Trait Sets

Secondary trait dice may be included as appropriate Secondary traits represent character abilities or assets that may or may not apply to an action. Dice from these sets can be added to the dice pool only when they specifically apply to the action at hand.

Knacks d6

Knacks are specific specialties under a given Role that the character is just a natural at.

Starting Knacks are worth an extra to the Role it applies to but can be stepped up during chargen as outlined below (as well as via character advancement).

Each player gets to assign two free Knacks at to their Character's Role.

Each player gets to assign one free Knack at to one of their Character's Roles.

Each player gets to assign two additional Knacks at to any Role rated or higher OR step up an existing Knack (or two) at a one-for-one exchange rate.

Knacks cannot be assigned to either of a character's Roles.

No Knack can be stepped up higher than the dice value of the Role it is assigned to.

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Relationships d6

Each PC has a relationship with every other PC on the crew. Define your relationship with each of the other PCs based on the prompts below (or similar). Do not use the same prompt for more than one character.

  • ...saved my life.
  • ...is a liability.
  • ...is a troublemaker.
  • ...is good for a laugh.
  • ...owes me big.
  • ...knows their stuff.
  • ...is dependable.

Each Relationship is defined from the perspective of your character. Another player might not agree with your character's assessment of theirs (and that should be fine provided it doesn't cause real friction). Work together to decide specific details of chosen definitions.

Once you have mapped out all your relationship definitions, assign the following dice ratings to each. Rank one (1) at one (1) at and the rest at

Relationship dice do not get added to your dice pool. Instead add your Relationship die with a given character to that character's pool when you are helping them with an action.

In this fashion, Relationship dice essentially replace lent Skill dice.

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SFX stands for Special Effects. These are rules exceptions unique to certain aspects of your character.

Attribute SFX

Chose one (1) of the following SFX to apply to one (1) of your three (3) Attributes.

Reflexes: Once per scene, step up or double Physical for an action. Spend a PP to do both. 1s and 2s count as hitches.
Cunning: Once per scene, step up or double Mental for an action. Spend a PP to do both. 1s and 2s count as hitches.
Manipulation: Once per scene, step up or double Social for an action. Spend a PP to do both. 1s and 2s count as hitches.

Distinction SFX

Each of your three distinction SFX comes with the Hinder SFX

Hinder: Sometimes a distinction works against you. Roll d4 instead of d8 to gain 1 PP

Relationship SFX

Each character has the Teamwork SFX.

Teamwork: Once per scene, step up or double a relationship die when helping another character. Spend 1 PP to do both.

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Discretionary Points

Finish off your character by spending three (3) discretionary points. These points can be used in the following manner:

  • Spend one (1) point to add a Knack to a or higher ranked Role.
  • Spend two (2) points to step up a Knack by one die type. Knacks may not be stepped up higher than the Role they are attached to.
  • Spend two (2) points to step up a Relationship by one die type. Relationships may not be stepped up higher than
  • Spend three (3) points to unlock a Distinction SFX.

SFX guidelines may be found in the Prime handbook on pages 61-63 (excepting limits). Do not use the guidelines for distinctions found on pages 191-213.

Unspent discretionary points may be banked as XP.

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