B5-BeforeTheDawn:Cyrilla Typhlee
Name: Cyrilla Typhlee, aka Dorana Wildon, aka Sarah Summers
Concept: Cyrilla is the widow of Modov Typhlee, of the disbanded house Typhlee. Once a proud house in Centauri politics, it fell as all houses eventually fall in Centauri politics. Cyrilla had been estranged from Modov when he was murdered along with his other two wives. She had been living on Mars when the house fell and was surprised when her home had been foreclosed. She had been wandering ever since. She fears returning to Centauri Prime, partly because she once foresaw the death on a massive scale there, but also because of her lack of status there.
One Unique Thing: Cyrilla has foreseen something (as determined by the GM)
Approaches | Roles |
- Surface Scan: d8
- Compel: d8
- What do you want? Status, not necessarily power. Autonomy.
- Compulsive Gambler. She is addicted to gambling, believing because she can read minds, she will win. There are times she can resist the siren call of a gambling table. And there are times when she cannot. Especially when the game is poker.
- SFX - Benefit: Create a d8 asset for the rest of the scene (her winnings); Drawback: create a d8 complication.
- Flirtatious.
- The gift of prophecy (d6) - It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's usually a dozy.
- Disguise kit (d6) - she has been known to change her clothes, put on a wig, and disguise herself as a human or put on a wig and pretend to be a male Centauri, the kit might even have a device to change the timber of her voice
Rounding out & Advancement
- 1 point - create a signature asset (disguise kit)
- 2 points - raise a knack from d6 to d8 (compel)