Chaos Rising:Intro

The beginning has been lost to time.
History has become Legend.
Once there was a clear distinction between those that were begotten by the Serpent and those born from the land, those that reigned and those that were ruled.
When time went by, the blood of the Serpent became thin. Nobles Houses rose to power that did not bear the blood of the Serpent and Houses that had sprung from the Serpent fell and disappeared.
But one thing did never changed the King of Chaos must be of the Blood of the Serpent, he must have traversed the Logrus. And only those of Blood of the Serpent can traverse the Logrus.
And so the Courts of Chaos prospered for millennia and always the Serpent stood watch.
Then came Dworkin from House Barimen, the Traitor. He stole the left Eye of the Serpent and ran away with Unicorn, the eternal archenemy of the Serpent. And he created a construct called the Pattern, symbol of Order.
All shadow changed.
A new Kingdom rose to power; Amber and together with it, King Oberon.
But the Court of Chaos is the realm of the ever-shifting, the ever-adapting and the Courts waited patiently and when the opportunity arose to topple Amber, it was taken.
Alas all went wrong. In the end the armies of the Courts were defeated at the gates of their ancestral homeland.
The Courts were occupied by troops of Amber with Lord Protector Prince Caine as their Commander, assuring that the Courts do not rise again to contend for power over Shadow.
Young nobles of the Serpent’s Blood had been sent to Amber as hostages.
Now Old King Swayvill has died and Merlin, Son of Prince Corwin of Amber is to be crowned as King of Chaos.
You are sent home … to the Courts.