A character in the Morgansfort campaign.
- Paladin 5 (Guardian)
- XP: 20,583/29,600
- STR 14 (+1)
- INT 8 (-1)
- WIS 11
- DEX 9
- CON 10
- CHA 16 (+2)
- Common
Permanent Injuries
- Left arm torn off: Cannot climb, use shields, dual wield, or use two-handed weapons
Class Abilities
- Aura of Protection (+1 Ac/+1 saves vs. evil)
- Sanctified Body (immune to disease)
- Detect Evil (60', takes 1 turn)
- Lay on Hands (10 hp - 1/day)
- Holy Fervor (Hirelings have +1 Morale)
- Fighting Style: One-Handed Weapon (+1 to hit)
- Mystic Aura (+2 to impress or intimidate; 12 or more=Charmed)
- Diplomacy (+2 to parley)
- Adventuring
- Healing
- HP: 17
- AC: 6
- Move: 30'
- Saving Throws:
- Petrification/Paralysis: 12
- Poison/Death: 11
- Blast/Breath: 13
- Staff/Wand: 13
- Spells: 14
- Equipment:
- Armor: Plate Armor
- Weapons: +1 Sword/+2 vs. spellcasters
- Gear: Holy symbol of Railan, well-kept wool tunic and pants, leather belt, low boots, backpack, 2 days' iron rations, 6 torches, awl
- Some of Ithael's Gear: 8 flasks oil, 4 flasks military oil
- Miscellaneous Magic:
- Treasure: 431 gp
- Encumbrance: 8 stone