404: Chargen
I own Xanathar's, Tasha's, PHB, DMG, and MM. Anything outside those tomes, I need links to online sources (nothing I have to sign in to see, because get off my lawn) that are legally free use.

PBP games are slow (and tentative) enough that I hesitate to start D&D campaigns at L1 like I would at a table game, but I want to encourage the zero-to-hero vibe in this one, so we'll be starting at L3 then progressing through regular advancements, aiming to wrap things up somewhere between L7 - L9 (if everything goes well).
- It's dangerous to go alone, take these: Full HP for the first three levels. Average HP each level thereafter if we make it to advancements.
- Still kinda dangerous: Everyone starts with 1 free Feat.
Please use the Standard Array or the Customizing Variant (both PHB p13) to get your starting attributes.
Smallfolk is the theme for this game, so PCs may be Dwarves, Gnomes, Goblins, Grippli, Halflings, Kenku, Kobolds, Tabaxi, or dwarf/stunted versions of regular 'big' races (dwarf Dragonborn, etc).
- Note: Some of the races linked above (such as Tabaxi) are described as big in their writeups, but for the purpose of this game should be considered small of stature.
- Note: While Kenku retain their mimic ability, in this setting they can speak Trade and Corvid without having to resort to it. (While their default setting is fun around a physical gaming table, it can be oddly disruptive in a PBP medium IME).
I will gladly consider other options if anyone cares to present them.
You may use published attribute bonuses by race or Tasha's variant for racial bonuses (TC p7).
I'm pretty open to most class options, including some UA variants.
- Note on Multiclassing: It can be a thing starting at L4 for anyone who wants to go that route, but starting characters should all be single-class.
All listed Backgrounds are fine, and I'm pretty easy about substituting features to fit a concept. Custom backgrounds are also fine, pending approval. These should follow the basic format of published backgrounds.
Wealth and Gear
You begin play with whatever starting wealth and gear you would get from from Class and Background +50gp from your L1 - L3 adventures.
Armor heavier than Scale Mail is not available to start play. Likewise, magic/enchanted items (looking at you, ubiquitous healing potion) are not available for purchase at chargen, nor are special-material items (like mithril or adamantium).
- Note: If you have a piece of equipment from your starting (L1) list that you wish to upgrade you can turn it in for it's full value (as listed in the PHB) to help pay for the upgrade.
As mentioned above, all characters start with 1 free feat. Prerequisites must be met. Please get approval for any non-PHB options (just cuz I'm not as familiar with those off the top of my head).
When selecting spells outside the PHB, please run them by me first (same reason as Feats).