Jaala Jans
We who have fallen are still called Angels

Base Matrix
STR 10 / +0 Save (+0) || DEX 14 / +2 Save (+2) || CON 14 / +2 Save (+3)
INT 12 / +1 Save (+3) || WIS 19 / +4 Save (+6) || CHA 8 / -3 Save (-1)
- Proficiency: +2 | Initiative: +2 | AC : 14 | HP: 10 | Alignment: LN
Class: Druid/L1
Druid Circle: Land (Underdark)
- Spell Att: +6 | Spell Save DC: 14
Background: Outlander
Origin: Exile | Feature: Wanderer
- Trait: I was raised by Mindflayers. This continues to inform my dealings with those who dwell beneath the sky.
- Ideal: I side with the beasts. Nature may kill you. People will betray you.
- Bond: I am the Power that Preserves. I will stand until I fall. Then I will fight on my belly.
- Flaw: I am an untended fire in a dry and brittle land. May the earth forgive me.
Gender: F (She/Her/They/Them) | Age: 28 | Skin: Pale to Crimson | Hair: White | Eyes: Black | Features: Broken horn; Barbed tail; Mindflayer tattoos