Salt Coast: Saltwind Moiety
Inhabiting the Inner Isles is one of perhaps the most unlikely pairing of peoples of the Salt Coast where a race of giantkin and halflings form a society that emphasizes the strengths of each race and the synergy with which the races blend those strengths into a functioning community.
The halflings are primarily sailors and fisherfolk and farmers, where the giants tend to flocks of giant goats that wander the cliffs of the craggy isles and wrestle the great salt sturgeon when they are in season.
The saltwind moiety is local to the archipelago known as the Inner Isles.
Giantkin and halflings alike are extremely proficient in Dwarven Trade, but among themselves, in the isles, they speak giantish.
- Note: Halflings do not have their own language in this setting. PC halflings replace Halfling with Giantish.
Saltwiders take a very communal approach to governance. They have their traditions but no formal written law. Disputes are handled by whoever is around (but not directly involved), and everyone stays until the matter is settled.
Hospitality is as important to saltwinders as it is to protectorate folk, but nowhere near as formalized, a matter of community more than honor.
Saltwinders follow Mok Ji and Jon Kon, but only halfling folk acknowledge Kuolema.