Magical Girl Gangs:Moonlight Maestro
Normal Name/Magical Girl Name
Yen Inoue/Moonlight Maestro
This space for rent
This space for rent
Refresh and Stress
Normal Girl
- Fate Point 3/ Refresh 3
- Stress [][][]
- Mild Consequence -2
Magical Girl
- Fate Points 4/ Refresh 4
- Physical Stress [][][]
- Mental Stress [][][]
- Magic Armor Consequence -2 (use all stress and consequences first and using this breaks the transformation):
- Mild Consequence -2:
- Moderate Consequence -4:
- Severe Consequence -6:
Name (family name first): Yen Inoue
- High Concept: Body in STEM, Soul in Art
- Trouble: Straight-A Student: ...and everything that implies about social and behavior expectations, and peer reactions.
- Core Aspect: Yamato Nadeshiko: All her life she's been the model of a traditional Japanese woman.
- Phase 1 Aspect: As Good As Her Word: Once she's said she'll do something, she will do it.
- Phase 2 Aspect: TBD
- Good: Academics +3
- Fair: Investigate +2 , Rapport +2
- Average: Will +1, Athletics +1, Resources +1
- Hit the Books: +2 to overcome or create advantage with Investigate when you seek or consult textual sources.
- Unlike Her: You can use Rapport in place of Deceive to deflect blame for uncharacteristic behavior.
- Moonrise: You invoke Metete's gift to transform into Moonlight Maestro in some really cool way that I haven't figured out yet.
Moonlight Maestro
- High Concept: Untrammeled Artist (?)
- Trouble: Irrepressible (? redundant with 'untrammeled'?)
- Phase 3 Aspect: Indomitable: So glad is she to be free, she takes the setbacks that come with freedom with equanimity.
- Great: Deceive +4
- Good: Academics, Will +3
- Fair: Investigate +2, Rapport +2, Notice +2
- Average: Fight +1, Athletics +1, Resources +1, Shoot +1
- Back to the Grind: Moonlight Maestro transforms back into Yen Inoue.
Power Theme: Super-Form
- Drawback: Extended Transformation Sequence
Power: Illusion
- Enhancements:
- Sensory Overload
- Giant Illusions
- Master Illusions
- Power Synergy: Shielding
- Drawback: Illusions Dissipate in Daylight
- Collateral Damage: Flight (Shapeshifting Power Synergy): Huge, silvery-white angelic wings open from her back, granting her, and any small or light objects in front of her, flight.