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Skaati :: Dvergr Hexblade

"The words of the gods became people. What then shall our words become?"


Base Matrix

Warlock (Hexblade) L5 | Alignment LN

AC 15 | HP 43 | Initiative +2 | Proficiency +3 | Size M | Speed 25 | Devil's Sight 120'


STR 10 / +0 / Save (+0) || DEX 14 / +2 / Save (+2) || CON 16 / +3 / Save (+3) || INT 8 / -1 / Save (-1) || WIS 10 / +0 / Save (+2) || CHA 18 / +4 / Save (+7)


Armor Proficiencies: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shield

Armor of Shadows [AC 15]

Weapon Proficiencies: All Martial, All Simple

Weapons Carried:

Longsword: +7 [to hit] | 1d8+4 [damage] | Versatile (1d10)
Dagger: +5 [to hit melee/thrown] | 1d4+2 [damage melee/thrown] | Finesse/Light/Thrown [20/60]


Sp Att: +7 | Sp DC: 15 | Spell Slots: 2/L3

Boon: Pact of the Blade | Patron: The All Seeing Dark (Hexblade)

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast 2x1d10 Force | Green Flame Blade +1d8/1d8+3 Fire | Prestidigitation

L1: Witchbolt 3d12 | Comprehend Languages

L2: Darkness | Misty Step |Shatter | Spider Climb

L3: -

Incantations: Armor of Shadows | Devil's Sight | Thirsting Blade | Gift of the Depths


Eldritch Adept | Savage Attacker


Str >> Athletics [+0]

Dex >> Acrobatics [+2] | Sleight of Hand [+2] | Stealth [+2]

Int >> Arcana [-1] | History [-1] | Investigation [-1] | Nature [-1] | Religion [-3]

Wis >> Animal Handling [+0] | Insight [+3] | Medicine [+0] | Perception [+0] | Survival [+0]

Cha >> Deception [+7] | Intimidation [+7] | Performance [+4] | Persuasion [+7]

Tools: Smith

Spoken/Written Languages: Common | Dwarvish | Gisntish


Longsword (belt) | Dagger (belt) | Explorer's Pack (bedroll, mess kit, tinder box, torches [10], rations [10d], waterskin, 50' hempen rope, spare clothes) | Smith tools | Potion of Healing 2d4+2 [8] (pouch) || 102 gp (pouch)


Dvergren Craftsman || Specialty: Smith/Metalworker | Feature: Reputation

Trait: I'd rather work for farmers than kings.

Ideal: The pay will probably be shite, so the work must be worth doing regardless of the pay.

Bond: I am the ringing hammer. I am the wind that stokes the flame.

Flaw: I piss off all the right people.
